Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Megan Sparks and starting a conversation.
This is that conversation.
Good day, I am Reverend Sister Mary Thomas from st Mary Catholic Church here in United Arab Emirates Dubai, it's very pathetic that we lost Rev. Father Clement Sandy of st Mary Catholic Church Dubai. Late Rev.Clement Sandy is an American and also an orphan but nationalized in st Mary Cathedral Dubai. Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy died on 5th August 2016 and before he died, he made a will and instructs me to contact you on your email when he died as the next of kin of the fund as his spirit direct him. I am glad to inform you that late Rev.Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will a sum of $6,500,000.00 USD. through your e-mail address, you might be wondering how late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will. Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made a random sampling of many people's e-mail addresses by the help of Microsoft international firm and among the people e-mail addresses, yours came out as a draw and this is how late father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will and instruct that you can only be informed when he pass on and memorial service Completed. Now for you to claim your fund forward the details below to me via this email ( so I can forward it to the Doncaster Finance and Securities,International Payment Center Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the release of your funds. Full name. Contact address. Country. Age Occupation. Private phone number. Copy Of Your ID. Best regards & God bless you. Reverend Sister Mary Thomas.
Hey there,
Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Good day,
I am Reverend Sister Mary Thomas from st Mary Catholic Church here in United Arab Emirates Dubai, it's very pathetic that we lost Rev. Father Clement Sandy of st Mary Catholic Church Dubai. Late Rev.Clement Sandy is an American and also an orphan but nationalized in st Mary Cathedral Dubai.
Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy died on 5th August 2016 and before he died, he made a will and instructs me to contact you on your email when he died as the next of kin of the fund as his spirit direct him.
I am glad to inform you that late Rev.Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will a sum of $6,500,000.00 USD. through your e-mail address, you might be wondering how late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will.
Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made a random sampling of many people's e-mail addresses by the help of Microsoft international firm and among the people e-mail addresses, yours came out as a draw and this is how late father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will and instruct that you can only be informed when he pass on and memorial service Completed.
Now for you to claim your fund forward the details below to me via this email ( so I can forward it to the Doncaster Finance and Securities,International Payment Center Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the release of your funds.
Full name.
Contact address.
Private phone number.
Copy Of Your ID.
Best regards & God bless you.
Reverend Sister Mary Thomas.
That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Good day,
I am Reverend Sister Mary Thomas from st Mary Catholic Church here in United Arab Emirates Dubai, it's very pathetic that we lost Rev. Father Clement Sandy of st Mary Catholic Church Dubai. Late Rev.Clement Sandy is an American and also an orphan but nationalized in st Mary Cathedral Dubai.
Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy died on 5th August 2016 and before he died, he made a will and instructs me to contact you on your email when he died as the next of kin of the fund as his spirit direct him.
I am glad to inform you that late Rev.Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will a sum of $6,500,000.00 USD. through your e-mail address, you might be wondering how late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will.
Late Rev.Father Clement Sandy made a random sampling of many people's e-mail addresses by the help of Microsoft international firm and among the people e-mail addresses, yours came out as a draw and this is how late father Clement Sandy made you the beneficiary of his will and instruct that you can only be informed when he pass on and memorial service Completed.
Now for you to claim your fund forward the details below to me via this email ( so I can forward it to the Doncaster Finance and Securities,International Payment Center Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the release of your funds.
Full name.
Contact address.
Private phone number.
Copy Of Your ID.
Best regards & God bless you.
Reverend Sister Mary Thomas.
Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Attention Please!.
This to let you know that a meeting was held yesterday with Federal Bureau of Investigation,and has agreed your wining payment to be now paying to you through western union money transfer until your total funds of $2.5Million usd, your wining compensation funds through the help of United Nation is completed, below is the first payment information sent to you:
Sender's name:Peter Moore
Amount Sent $5,000 usd
Mtcn# .081-505-0742
Text Question: Code?
Answer: YES
Amount Programmed: $5000 usd
Your are to Track the payment online now using directed link below: copy and past on your browse and put the mtcn number at;0815050742 and click track for confirmation is available for pick up by you..
Tracking Site:
Be noted that the transfer is on hold, You are required to pay for Federal Bureau of Investigation Clean Bill of Transfer Document fee of $175 usd before you pick up your first payment sent to you. Hurry up send the required fee immediately via western union payment and get back immediately to western union to pick up your first transfer $5000 given to you, so we commence the next transfer.
Get back to me for payment Details to send the $175 usd, and proceed picking up the $5000 usd.
Please confirm your information below to avoid any mistake on the transfer to you.
Full name.:
Receivers Address.
Private phone number.
can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Sir!.
$5000 usd was sent to you out of your total wining funds, once you send the needed fee you will pick up the $5000 and we shall give you the second transfer details and after that the other commenced till the end of the total funds.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Your are to Track the payment online now using directed link below: copy and past on your browse and put the mtcn number at;0815050742 and click track for confirmation is available for pick up by you..
Tracking Site: (
Waiting your confirmation.
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Mr. Megan Sparks,
You should go ahead and send the required fee of $175 so the we can proceed and you go back immediate to pick up the $5000 transferred to you, you should send the fee to the below information.
Receivers Name: JAMES UDE.
Address: Cotonou Benin Republic
I wait the payment information so you can proceed picking the $5000 today.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Good Day Dear Beloved,
I am yet to receive a response from you regarding my last email to you, to keep me posted.
can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Dear Beloved
How are you, Have you hear from the bank regarding your willed funds .
Keep me posted.
Hello Dear Beloved
How are you, Have you hear from the bank regarding your willed funds .
Keep me posted.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Doncaster Finance and Securities
International Payment Center
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
From the Desk of: Mr Andy Cole
Re: Release of your funds
We write in respect of remittance instructions received from Reverend Sister Mary Thomas of St. Mary's Catholic Church Dubai, UAE to transfer the sum of US$6,500,000.00 to you.
We have been mandated to transfer the said funds to you, based on the funds transfer directives, You are expected to come to Dubai, United Arab Emirates and sign the funds release order documents so the funds can be paid to you.
Please kindly let us know of your arrival date so we can arrange to meet you and pay the funds to you.
Your urgent response shall expedite the release of the funds.
Your truly
Hey there,
Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello My Dear Beloved
How are you doing today ,with hope all is well with you and your entire family, if so thanks be to God all mighty who give us life for free.
What is real going on? because it has been a while i hear from you and YOUR funds still awaiting at the bank, yesterday after federal executive meeting held on federal house as i were told, and they agreed to commence the release for your funds but still never hear from you via the requirement.
Now i have brought this to your notice and i will also want to know your interest and what you are thinking over your $6.5million united state dollar! your Willed funds, i will immediately need your respond and action as i’m going to know the next step to take to avoid delay on this improvement of your funds.
it will please me to advice you to only follow my directive instruction’s over this issue of your funds and peaceful receive your fund which has already been approved.
Thanks for your understanding as i will be looking forward to hear from you,
Peace of the Lord God Be With you and your Entire family.
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC
We can proceed once you can be able to send the bank required fee of $550 usd.
Thank you.
Mr. Linda
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Megan Sparks
CEO, MNesty, LLC