The colloquy of Thomas Meyer

Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Thomas Meyer and starting a conversation.

This is that conversation.


  • Subject: PEACE BE UPON YOU
  • On: Oct. 27, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

Dear friend>  > I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but you don't need not to be worried as I am using the only secured and confidential medium available to seek for your foreign assistance in a business. I am contacting you independently of my investigation and no one is informed of this communication.  I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($25.3 million United States dollars.) immediately to you through bank to bank transfer or through diplomatic delivery.>  >   The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for eight good years now without anybody coming for the claim of it. I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died along with his supposed NEXT OF KIN since August 2010.>  >   The Banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than 8 years, because the money will be recalled to the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.>  > Upon receipt of your reply indicating your interest in this transaction i send you the full details on how the business will be executed.>  > Please keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interested>  > Regards,>  > Tariq Jameel>  >  >  


  • Subject: Re: PEACE BE UPON YOU
  • On: Oct. 27, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • On: Oct. 28, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

Dear Friend

I thank you a lot for your responds towards my last mail, I will like to be honest with you, based on the fact we have not meet face to face before, I want you to know that what will bring the success of this transaction is trust and understanding, This is true and i have all the proves, Can you be able to handle the deal with me?????

Nobody ever knows about this deal that is why top secret and confidentiality is only instrument we need to achieve this deal successfully, this fund belongs to my deceased customer (Mr. Cho Tae Young) from Seoul-Korea. He died on 2010 along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash. He nationalized here in Togo for years before his death. He executed a lot of contracts here before his death and he was also the major supplier of agricultural equipment’s in West Africa.

The banking law here stipulates that if such money remains unclaimed after 8 years, it will go to the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. I discovered the money during our last auditing in our department. I have made all necessary enquirers to find out if I can get any of his relation so that they will come for the claims but to no avail.

I decided to contact you to release the fund to you as a foreign business associate to my late friend because I don't want the money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund and besides nobody is coming for the fund again. Many Banks in African use to confiscate all foreigners money in our bank after the fund lying dormant in the Bank. We Poor Bankers don't gain anything if the fund is confiscated.

I am only seeking your consent as a foreigner who will be capable to assist me transfer the total fund into your account without any problem since no one is coming for it for years, the transaction has to undergo normal banking procedures of transferring inheritance fund. You will apply as a foreign business associate to the deceased customer while i will be here as your partner in the business guiding you on what to do until the fund enters your account.

For immediate execution of this transaction, you have to communicate me with the bellow information’s,

1) Your full name: …………………………
2) Your Age.....................................
3) Your home or office address ..............
4) A copy of your international passport, driving license or any of your photo Identity.........................
5) Yyour occupation.........................................

Upon receipt of the above mentioned, i will send you a text of application which you will retype and send to the foreign remittance department of our bank for easy execution of the transaction.

This transaction is 100% hitch-free on both sides and has no atom of negativity on both side but you must try to keep it confidential and as a top secret.

I once again wish to inform you that 40% of the total sum will be for you for the provision of account were we will transfer the money and the rest will be for me
I have worked very hard in my life and this one opportunity that i don't want to play with. I hope that you will not betray me when the money enters into your account in your country.

My full name is Mr. Tariq Jameel,
Manager remittance dept. Eco bank Lome Togo
I am 59 years old i have 4 children with an aged mother and father.
I have worked with this bank for many years now. i don't want to lose this last opportunity almighty Allah gave to me at this old age. You must assure me of your sincerity, so that this transaction is not brought to odium. Meanwhile here is my direct line +228 93 14 39 99,
Have a great day as i await your return mail.


  • On: Oct. 28, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Thank you for your last magnificent letter.
Apologies, I'm not sure I understand. Dealing with money and finances make me nervous. But this sounds like an opportunity. So - Could you try again, please?

Thank you and sincerely yours!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • On: Oct. 28, 2018, 4:38 p.m.


Hello! I use a new email filtering service called BitBounce to filter my email. To deliver your email to my inbox, please click the button below and pay the small cryptocurrency fee. Thank you!

$0.05 to deliver your email.

We’ve never met — I’ll pay your fee.<>

I know you — Add me to your whitelist.<[email protected]&ref=bitbounce>

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  • On: Oct. 28, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Thank you for your recent kind news.
Just reading what you wrote. Love it! I mean, that's great, isn't it? I am really excited. Wow. I need to think. How was your reaction? Is that really happening?

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world".

Thank you and so long!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • On: Oct. 29, 2018, 7:13 a.m.


Hello! I use a new email filtering service called BitBounce to filter my email. To deliver your email to my inbox, please click the button below and pay the small cryptocurrency fee. Thank you!

$0.05 to deliver your email.

We’ve never met — I’ll pay your fee.<>

I know you — Add me to your whitelist.<[email protected]&ref=bitbounce>

BitBounce<> is powered by
the Credo<> cryptocurrency

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BitBounce and Credo are
transacted through CredoEx<>

Made by Turing Technology Inc. in San Mateo, California Sign Up for BitBounce<>


  • Subject: Re: PEACE BE UPON YOU
  • On: Oct. 30, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Dear Brother,

How are you i hope good? i wonder why i have not hear from you regarding my last mail kindly get back to me now,


  • Subject: Re: PEACE BE UPON YOU
  • On: Oct. 30, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

Thank you for your last awesome message.
Just opened that email. Love it! I mean, that's sick, isn't it? I am definitely taken. Yeah. Speechless. What do you think? Is that true?

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened".

Thank you and let's get going ASAP!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Message
  • On: Oct. 30, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Dear Brother

I thank you a lot for your responds towards my last mail, I am very happy to hear that you are ready to assist me please for immediate execution of this transaction, you have to communicate me with the bellow information’s,

1) Your full name: …………………………
2) Your Age.....................................
3) Your home or office address ..............
4) A copy of your international passport, driving license or any of your photo Identity.........................
5) Your occupation.........................................

Upon receipt of the above mentioned, i will send you a text of application which you will retype and send to the foreign remittance department of our bank for easy execution of the transaction.

Always remember that 40% of the total sum will be for you for the provisions of account where we will transfer the money and the rest 60% will be for me.

I will be waiting to hear from you now


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Oct. 30, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

Hmm, I'm afraid I don't understand. What will the funds be used for?

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Oct. 31, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Dear Brother,

Thanks for your last message but to be honest with you brother this transaction is 100% risk free and legal, you dont have to be afraid because i am into the transaction with you as your partner, and i will be here to guide you on what to do until the fund been transferred into your account,

i contacted you because i dont want my bank to confiscated the fund as an unclaimed fund because i will not gain anything if my bank confiscate the fund, after the tranfer we will share the fund, 40% of the total money will be your share while 60% will be for me and i will invest some part of my share in your country.

Note before the transfer my bank will send you an approval letter and will send all the legal documents to your bank and to your government to back up the claim so nobody will ask you how or where you get all the money from.

please feel relax and fill the application letter and send it to the bank immediately


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Oct. 31, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Thank you for your last enjoyable letter.

Some things are not quite clear yet: How can I collect the funds? What can the funds be used for? Also - Who assigned the funds to me? And: Who will take care of the legal process (taxes, etc.)? Furthermore, what's the name of the previous owner? And last but not least: should it quit my job right now?

Thank you and so long!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Oct. 31, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Dear Brother

please i want you to write this details very well ,Nobody ever knows about this deal that is why top secret and confidentiality is only instrument we need to achieve this deal successfully, this fund belongs to my deceased customer (Mr. Cho Tae Young) from Seoul-Korea. He died on 2010 along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash. He nationalized here for years before his death. He executed a lot of contracts here before his death and he was also the major supplier of agricultural equipment’s in West Africa.

The banking law here stipulates that if such money remains unclaimed after 8 years, it will go to the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. I discovered the money during our last auditing in our department. I have made all necessary enquirers to find out if I can get any of his relation so that they will come for the claims but to no avail.

I decided to contact you to release the fund to you as a foreign business associate to my late friend because I don't want the money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund and besides nobody is coming for the fund again. Many Banks in African use to confiscate all foreigners money in our bank after the fund lying dormant in the Bank. We Poor Bankers don't gain anything if the fund is confiscated.

I am only seeking your consent as a foreigner who will be capable to assist me transfer the total fund into your account without any problem since no one is coming for it for years, the transaction has to undergo normal banking procedures of transferring inheritance fund. You will apply as a foreign business associate to the deceased customer while i will be here as your partner in the business guiding you on what to do until the fund enters your account.

For immediate execution of this transaction, you have to communicate me with the bellow information’s,

1) Your full name: …………………………
2) Your Age.....................................
3) Your home or office address ..............
4) A copy of your international passport, driving license or any of your photo Identity.........................
5) Your occupation.........................................

Upon receipt of the above mentioned, i will send you a text of application which you will retype and send to the foreign remittance department of our bank for easy execution of the transaction.

This transaction is 100% hitch-free on both sides and has no atom of negativity on both side but you must try to keep it confidential and as a top secret.

I once again wish to inform you that 40% of the total sum will be for you for the provision of account were we will transfer the money and the rest will be for me
I have worked very hard in my life and this one opportunity that i don't want to play with. I hope that you will not betray me when the money enters into your account in your country

you dont have to quit your job or travel to my country because all communication will be through email.


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Oct. 31, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Sorry, I read your email just now. Now I am ready.
I am about to wire the fee. Is there any service you suggest? And do I need any password to make sure the payments go straight to your account?

Thank you and so long!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Nov. 1, 2018, 6:51 a.m.


Thanks for your kind response, i dont understand what you mean by (I am about to wire the fee. Is there any service you suggest? And do I need any password to make sure the payments go straight to your accoun) which fee are you talking about? i only requested for this infomation

1) Your full name: …………………………
2) Your Age.....................................
3) Your home or office address ..............
4) A copy of your international passport, driving license or any of your photo Identity.........................
5) Your occupation.........................................

from you before i will retype the application letter which you will fill very neat and apply to my bank for the immediate processing of the transferring of the $25.3 million USD into your bank account.

i will be waiting to hear from you now
Your friend


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Nov. 1, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Thank you for your last kind proposal.
Can you put me in touch with you attorney-at-law, please? Then we can work out the details with my attorney-at-law. Because you know what they say: "An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less".

What's your take on this?

Thank you and so long!

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Nov. 1, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

Dear brother,

Thanks for your last mail please kindly contact my Attorney .





  • Subject: Re: Message
  • On: Nov. 2, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Yes, certainly. Could you give me more information on how we can make the transfer? I only found instructions here:

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • On: Nov. 2, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

Dear Brother,

Thanks for your kind message, I have giving you my words that this transaction is 100% legal and you dont have to be afraid, please fill the application letter and send it to my bank for the immediate transferring of the fund into your bank account.




TELEPHONE/ FAX: 00228-99 34 78 87

Email: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> or [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>


My name is Mr........................... I am from…………….., my resident address..........................................., I hereby apply for the transfer of US$25.3 Million, from account number: ECO-286-41732, belonging to my personal confidant late Eng. Cho Tae young, who was living in Baguida Estate in Golf Region of Togo before his untimely death which was caused by fatal motor accident, which included his beloved wife and their only child next of kin to the deposit.

Please be informed that I wish to transfer the sum of US$25.3M USD dollars only from his Account number ECO-286-41732 to a new account as detailed below:

BANK NAME: ........................................................

BANK ADDRESS: ................................................

MY ACCOUNT NUMBER: .............................................


BENEFICIARY: ............................................................

MY PROFFESSION: ………………………………….

YOUR AGE…………………………………

YOURTELEPHONE/PHONE: …………………………….....


Due to my ill health condition I was unable to apply for the claim of this fund before now, since I am the only person that knows about this deposit. For the avoidance of doubt, I am close confidant to the deceased depositor of the fund. I wish as his close confidant to claim the said fund and I hereby instruct that the above mentioned amount be transferred into my nominated Bank account as shown above. Please, I hope you will expedite action. I am willing to comply with your bank obligations to ensure that I receive this fund to my nominated bank account. I hope my application will be given an urgent and favorable consideration.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Yours faithfully

Mr. ........................................................

(For the deceased family)


  • On: Nov. 2, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Yes, certainly. Could you give me more information on how we can make the transfer? I only found instructions here:

Thomas Meyer
CEO, MNesty, LLC