The colloquy of Melissa Simon DDS

Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Melissa Simon DDS and starting a conversation.

This is that conversation.


  • Subject: I need your consent
  • On: Sept. 16, 2017, 11:01 a.m.

Good day,

My name is Captain Sean Hanks, an American soldier serving in Syria, I have
an important matter, which I would like to discuss with you in what follows;

Due to the current war in the country Syria now, many families are running
for their dear lives and I do not intend to stay behind with my family.
Well, I want to bring to your notice that I have the sum of ($5,500,000
dollars) which I got from crude oil deal here in Syria, I deposited this
money with a Finance company here, and I have secured this money in a box
before depositing it with the Finance company vault as Research materials &
Personal Effects., Now due to the current war in the country The only thing
I Require from you is just for You to help me move the money out of syria
Because syria is a war zone and as a uniform man I can not parade with such

Please reconfirm the following and I shall give you more details about this

Your full name:..............
Your private phone number:..........
Your full address:.............
Age and occupation:.............


  • Subject: Re: I need your consent
  • On: Sept. 16, 2017, 11:01 a.m.

that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 16, 2017, 2 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon
Thank you very much for responding back to me, I must be sincere to you and there is nothing to hide here. I have been looking for this opportunity to move out this fund for a long period of time and I have contacted so many people but most of them are too greedy and they want to cheat on me. If you play the same game they played I will not respond back to you anymore. So I want you to be so open and honest to me and I promise you that you will ever remain happy in your life.
So many people had made money by helping someone they did not know and at least they will be rich and famous just because of their honesty and sincerity. Like I said in my first email, I made this money through a crude oil business I did with some Russian aliens here in Syria. There is some secret looting of crude oil business done in Syria and people have become so rich with it and I am opportune to be among the people that received small amount of money. I have the sum of $5.5 million dollars with a security company here in Syria and I will need your help to move out this money to you only if you will be sincere like I said early in this mail.
Before we proceed further, I will want to know more about you and also have your identification and telephone number so that we can communicate through the telephone also. Secondly, I want to know the kind of business you do and how lucrative it is so that we can invest more on it when you receive this money. Once you reply my message, I will give you the full information on how we should proceed on this. Thank you very much and I will be waiting to hear from you.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 16, 2017, 9:02 p.m.

Thank you for your last fantastic email.

Oh, outstanding! I understand. Can we use Rational FX for the transaction? It's safe and internationally approved. And it's cheap. What's your take on this?

Thank you and yours truly!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 18, 2017, 12:55 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,

Thank you for your prompt response, I would have replied you during theweekend but due to my job scheduled, I was unable to have access to theinternet. After going through your message this afternoon I want to tell youthat I have made an arrangement of moving out this fund through a diplomaticmeans. All I want from you is your willingness to work with me and I promiseyou that you will never regret working with me.

Please I need you to kindly declare your interest by sending me theinformation I requested in my first message and a copy of your identity for meto be sure I am dealing with an honest person. I will be waiting to hear fromyou soon.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 18, 2017, 2:15 p.m.

Hmm, I'm afraid I don't understand. What will the funds be used for?

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 18, 2017, 7:39 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
I have explained to you my purpose of shipping this fund toyou, if you will carefully go through our communication carefully, you willfind out where I mentioned that I want to use my own share of the money forinvestment. I also promise to compensate you with 30% of the total money foryour commitment. Please I want you to declare your interest on this. Thank youand have a nice day.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 18, 2017, 7:44 p.m.

Sorry, I'm late, I know, I was very busy. Now I can talk.
I am about to wire the fee. Is there any bank that can help? And do I need any reference line to make sure the fees go straight to your account?

Thank you and touch base ASAP!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 18, 2017, 7:54 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
I did not understand the content of your email. Are you notwith the account information? How much are you going to send for the firstinstallment?


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 19, 2017, 7:26 a.m.

Guess who? I'm feeling full of life today.
What's the weather like at your place at the moment? Oops, my mind is spinning today.
Thank you for your email. So how do we proceed?

Thank you and best regards!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 19, 2017, 3:39 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
I need you to send me a scan copy of your identity and alsoyour address where the consignment will be delivered. Once I receive thisinformation I shall update you about the next process.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 19, 2017, 4:03 p.m.

Thank you for your recent awesome suggestion.
That is so striking! Frankly, I am a Globetrotter. So may I ask: Are the funds a part of your national finances?

Thank you and touch base ASAP!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 20, 2017, 10:10 a.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
You have to declare your interest and also be ready to makethe payment of $4,850 dollars for the shipment fee and customs clearancecharges. If you can handle this cost then get back to me as soon as possible.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 20, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

Thank you for your last enjoyable reply.

Oh, striking! I understand. Can we use HiFX for the transaction? It's safe and internationally approved. And it has reasonable fees. What would you say?

Thank you and speak soon!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 20, 2017, 7:52 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
This is the only secured means I was told about and thesecurity company is ready to carry out this shipment immediately you send themthe money. Let me know how soon you can get the money and I shall give you theinformation on how to contact the security company for the payment.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 20, 2017, 10:28 p.m.

Thank you for your recent exciting personal words.

Oh, impressive! I understand. Can we use FairFX for the transaction? It's safe and internationally approved. And the fees are okay. Is that okay with you?

Thank you and sincerely yours!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 20, 2017, 11:46 p.m.

Dear Melissa Simon,
I have told you the only secured means for this which the security company told me. We need the service of a diplomat to help us convey this money to you and you have to send the money if you are interested.


  • Subject: Re: Dear Melissa Simon
  • On: Sept. 21, 2017, 7:43 a.m.

Thank you for your recent awesome offer.
Just read your email. WOW! I mean, that's incredible, isn't it? I am definitely overwhelmed. Absolutely. Lost for words. Any help? What is happening?

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken".

Thank you and warm regards!

Melissa Simon DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC