The colloquy of Richard Obrien

Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Richard Obrien and starting a conversation.

This is that conversation.


  • Subject: 4,99 EUR für Ihren neuen Mobilfu
  • On: June 27, 2017, 11:09 a.m.

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<div><span style=3D"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, =
ottom:10px;" class=3D"">Einsteigertarif ab 4,99 EUR<br></span
<span style=3D"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, =
ottom:10px;" class=3D"">Exklusiv nur f&#252;r o2 Kunden</span><br><br
<span style=3D"font-family:Verdana, =
Geneva, =
bottom:10px;" class=3D"">Lieber Herr van der Zander,<br> =
<br>das Gute liegt so nah. Als o2 Kunde bekommen =
Sie den Mobilfunktarif<strong> o2 Basic dauerhaft =
g&#252;nstiger</strong> und nutzen <strong>das gr&#246;&#223;te =
Mobilfunknetz Deutschlands. </strong><br><br><strong>Alles drin f&#252;r =
7,49 EUR mtl.</strong> (statt 9,99 EUR) und zus&#228;tzlich 2,50 EUR =
Rabatt auf Ihrer DSL-Rechnung dank Kombi-Vorteil*:<br><br>=E2=9C=93 o2 =
und E-Plus Telefon-Flat* <br>=E2=9C=93 200 MB =
Datenvolumen*<br>=E2=9C=93 50 Frei-Minuten in alle deutschen =

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<span style=3D"font-family:Verdana, =
Geneva, =
bottom:10px;" class=3D"">Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf. Alle =
Informationen zum o2 Basic finden Sie auch online. <br> =
<br> Ihr o2 Team<br><br></span
<div style=3D"text-align:center;" =
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<p style=3D"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, =
Margin:0;Margin-bottom:0px;"><span class=3D"" style=3D"font-size: =
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style=3D"font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; =
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Hotline<br> <strong>0176 88 854 564</strong></td
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etzt downloaden &gt;</strong></a></span> </td
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left:30px;width:100%;text-align:left;"><span =
a,sans-serif,sans-serif;"><strong>*</strong>Monatlicher Paketpreis =
f&#252;r o2 Kunden mit Kombi-Vorteil 7,49 EUR mtl. zzgl. 2,50 EUR =
Gutschrift auf Ihre DSL-Rechnung. 24 Monate Mindestvertragslaufzeit. =
Anschlusspreis 0,=E2=80=93 EUR. Nationale Gespr&#228;che (au&#223;er =
Sonderrufnummern, Rufumleitungen) ins deutsche o2 und E-Plus =
Mobilfunknetz sowie 50 Minuten in alle anderen deutschen Netze (danach =
0,29 EUR pro angebrochene Minute). Ausgenommen sind Verbindungen zu =
Sonderrufnummern und Rufumleitungen, Taktung 60/60. 200 nationale SMS =
(danach 0,19 EUR pro SMS). Ungenutzte Inklusiv-Minuten/-SMS sind nicht =
auf Folgemonat &#252;bertragbar. Sowie 200 MB Datenvolumen f&#252;r =
mobiles Surfen mit bis zu 3,6 MBit/s (auch f&#252;r Upload) im deutschen =
o2 Mobilfunknetz pro Abrechnungsmonat enthalten. Nach Verbrauch des im =
Tarif enthaltenen Datenvolumens wird dieses automatisch und maximal =
dreimalig um jeweils weitere 100 MB f&#252;r jeweils 2 EUR erweitert, =
danach maximale Surf-und Upload-Geschwindigkeit bis Ende des =
Abrechnungszeitraums 32 kBit/s. &#220;ber jede Datenvolumen-Erweiterung =
wird per SMS informiert. Alle Infos auf <a =
style=3D"text-decoration:none; color:#727982" target=3D"_blank" =
<hr =
<span class=3D"" =
style=3D"line-height:14px;font-size:10px; color:#727982; =
font-family:verdana,sans-serif,sans-serif;">Lieber Kunde, falls Sie uns =
etwas mitteilen wollen, klicken Sie bitte <a =
style=3D"text-decoration:none;color:#717982" target=3D"_blank" =
u></a>, anstatt auf diese E-Mail zu antworten. Sollten Sie keine =
weiteren E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen zu Produkten und Services von o2 =
w&#252;nschen, k&#246;nnen Sie sich <a target=3D"_blank" =
style=3D"text-decoration:none; color:#727982" =
u></a> abmelden.<br><br>Telef&#243;nica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG =
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 23=E2=80=9325 80992 M&#252;nchen Deutschland <a =
style=3D"text-decoration:none;color:#727982" target=3D"_blank" =


  • Subject: Re: 4,99 EUR für Ihren neuen Mobilfu
  • On: June 27, 2017, 11:09 a.m.

That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 1, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Raymond hey there!!*** Today I will write you a little about me and about my goals...
My real name is Alina but all around calls me Alinochka :)
I'm sending you some of my photos and I hope that you will interested!
That's is my usual photos but I really hope that you will like it:)You see that I am not photo model and I never had 1000 men near me!
NO! I am working usual seller in the shop here in Russia.
Everyone here want just drink beer and vodka and nobody wants care about woman ((.
And because of it I do not have any profile on the Internet. I am not registered in the social networks, as I
never was interested in it, but I always wanted to find my second
I am 24 years old. I know English well and I am learned how to leave my
country and how to find good work in one of civilized country...
Here is VERY bad situation because of US sanctions.
All the world hates Russia and millions usual people like me suffer because of it.
I hope that you know about it.
We believed that American president will change this but he did not..((I know that many people wants to leave this f.. place. Now all Russians think that soon will be 3d World War because of Syrian Civil War...(((
All money Russian president spend for armament of our army when usual people do not have work and much food for their children..
It is big crisis here. You will never see this by TV but this is truth.
Oh sorry that I am writing you about my problems ))
Please send me more of your photos. I want to see your different pics..Today all my friends wants go to the pub today What do you like to do after work? Do you have some hobby?
but I do not want to go there because they will drink vodka there. I do not like it...
I prepare to my trip .
Add me please to your maillist today..
Thank you...


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 1, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 2, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

You did not answer me today :( Why?
What you can tell me about your city??Is this good place for living?
I live in small town Kalmaki ( it is in not far from big city Tomsk)
Kalmaki is very small and Tomsk is a large city, the main city in our district.
my address here is: Kalmaki, Lenina st. 19, apt. 2, post code(zip)-636953
my full name is: A L I N A    U Z H U N T S E V A I am 24 years old and I will be 25 on November, 29 . I will be big girl )))
I like my town but there is no ways for good future... It is so pity((
I tried to begin my trip to abroad in the beginning of this year
but my mother was sick and I decided to do it later...
In October I finished my work in the Shop and now I am ready for my trip again.
I got my last pay check and now all will be OK.
All my girlfriends says that I am crazy and that it is bad idea and that better will be to drink beer in the bar every evening..
But I do not want listen them...
If you interested I can tell you about my family..
My father is usual driver and he loves to drink vodka very often. I do not remember when he was not drunk...
My mother is nurse in the hospital. She is very kind woman..
I love sport and I have many diplomas form different competitions )))
By the way I finished sport university two years ago.:)
Now I hope that I will find good job abroad. I know English well and I believe that I will not have I wrote you that because of cold relations between USA and Russia all the world put forward economic sanctions to Russia.
any problems. I just need to choose city. I think that I can choose your city ? What do you think?
Now all food , electronics or other import things are very expensive... And now it is very hard to live here...
I do not understand nothing in politic but when Obama was president of USA he had done many stupid things for over the world!My own computer is broken and now if I need Inthernet I have to go to nearest Inthernet cafe and write my mails from there...
do you like my photos? what do you think about me in red???Tomorrow I will send you more photos...( if you do not mind;)) Today I am sending you several new photos.
On one of them I am with my loved dog:) His name is Beam!
Do you like dogs??
Write me please what do you think about all this and send me more photos please...
I hope to see your answer soon..
Bye for now!!!


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 2, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 3, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

hi Richard!! :*
What will you do this weekend? What do you like to do for fun usually?? I want to tell you that all my life I want to find man older than me.
Why? I have two answers..
Firstly, I think older men are much more serious and they can take
care of me, they are more experienced in life and can teach me many
In Russia we say : "Adult man like an old horse - works bad, but he will never spoil nothing!"
Because he has experience...
It is mean that I need man with life experience...Like you...
Secondly... maybe I'm not right about it... but I want to be honest
I've always had such worry... if I marry a man nearly my age...
and after some years I will become not that young and beautiful... I
think it's more hard for a woman to be attractive then for a man...
and he will find a younger mistress and I will become very miserable.
I don't want my man to be unfaithful. I know I can be faithful to my
man and I will never cheat on him.
But this is just my worries. This is not my goal. Please tell me if
you think you will love your woman at any age and not find a younger
one? Can you be faithful?
Please forgive me if my letters so long or if you do not like my questions..
Today I am thinking about my life and that soon I will be able to change it...
I think that in 25 years to have a family is too early?
I wrote you that my father drunk every day.
It is very difficult for me because we all ( my mother, sister and father )live in small two rooms apartment.
And I do not want to live with man like my father... I hope that you understand what I mean...
just do not think that I'm a bad girl ...
I have never been married before.I do not have children. I didn't meet my beloved man and I can't marry without love.
I am really sure, there is no point in life without love. People can live without money and a certain social status.
But people can not live without love, it is meaningless. Do you think such a way too?? =))
I am kind girl who loves museums, classic music, jazz, rock, lounge.
I like all kinds of music!
I love romantic dinners, and sunsets and I am a fun loving person who is ready to love and hook up with a man for fun .
Now you know that I'm seeking for Someone special to capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care!
Someone who's willing to love me unconditionally,
whom is kind, sincere, honest, passionate, loyal,sense of humor, someone that can make me laugh loving and wants lifetime of passion..
P.S. My trip documents are ready and I think that I will start it tomorrow)) Please tell me if you have an
International Airport in your city? If you do not mind you can write me it's name an code!!!
P.S.S. I am so ashamed but I want to show you my some of secret photos taken by my sister.. I hope that you do not mind and not think that I am bad girl...But please do not ask naked pics after that (joke)...:)
Ok, now I need to go... I will write you tomorrow!
Bye :**


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 4, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 4, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

I really hope that you reading all my previous mails and that now you know about all my plans of my trip.
And I hope that you like my letters and what I am writing to you...
I forgot to tell you in my previous letters that I love cooking.
I can cooking many different things but my favorite thing it is Fitness menu ))
It helps me to be in good shape ))) If you want I will teach you ;))
Do you love theatres ?? Museums?? Cinema?? I like it very much. I have many beautiful dresses for this...
I think that woman have to be beautiful in the theatre...
But there we have no theatre and usually I go to nearest big city with my girlfriends...
Do you have theatre in your area???
Recently I was at the cinema on the movie
"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri".It is the most dramatic movie what I have seen in my life... Have you seen it?? If not - you must to do it!
So... what else can I say? now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will go home, take my packed bags and go to Tomsk! From there I will fly to Moscow!
I'm really afraid! It is several hours fly from Tomsk to Moscow. when I come to Moscow
I will write you ...
But please don't worry about me if you will not hear from me tomorrow, In Moscow I will spend a 3-4 day or maybe even more, that will mean I was not able to find a place to stay and I will write you after tomorrow!!!
I should make all final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!
I really want to talk to you by phone, so I will try to find a public phone in Moscow with international calls.
you know...
I feel myself now like little bird... bird who go out of the her cage!!!
Sorry.. Again I am writing like little girl..
Well, now I need to go.
(I sent you these photos because I know that real man want to see his future woman with all details..
And I respect it.
All of them took my sister She is very good photographer I think..But I ask you again -
Please do not show it to anyone..It is special for you )


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 4, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Hey honey!! xxx
I really hope that you reading all my previous mails and that now you know about all my plans of my trip.
And I hope that you like my letters and what I am writing to you...
I forgot to tell you in my previous letters that I love cooking.
I can cooking many different things but my favorite thing it is Fitness menu ))
It helps me to be in good shape ))) If you want I will teach you ;))
Do you love theatres ?? Museums?? Cinema?? I like it very much. I have many beautiful dresses for this...
I think that woman have to be beautiful in the theatre...
But there we have no theatre and usually I go to nearest big city with my girlfriends...
Do you have theatre in your area???
Recently I was at the cinema on the movie
"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri".It is the most dramatic movie what I have seen in my life... Have you seen it?? If not - you must to do it!
So... what else can I say? now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will go home, take my packed bags and go to Tomsk! From there I will fly to Moscow!
I'm really afraid! It is several hours fly from Tomsk to Moscow. when I come to Moscow
I will write you ...
But please don't worry about me if you will not hear from me tomorrow, In Moscow I will spend a 3-4 day or maybe even more, that will mean I was not able to find a place to stay and I will write you after tomorrow!!!
I should make all final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!
I really want to talk to you by phone, so I will try to find a public phone in Moscow with international calls.
you know...
I feel myself now like little bird... bird who go out of the her cage!!!
Sorry.. Again I am writing like little girl..
Well, now I need to go.
(I sent you these photos because I know that real man want to see his future woman with all details..
And I respect it.
All of them took my sister She is very good photographer I think..But I ask you again -
Please do not show it to anyone..It is special for you )


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 4, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 5, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Hello!!Hello!!Hello!! :** I have done IT!! I am writing you from Moscow!!
Can you imagine it??? I have no words...
Now I need several days for finishing all things. Soon I will know nearest possible flight to your area.
Please repeat me your airport if you still want to meet me in real:))
I am afraid to do any mistake...
Tomorrow or after tomorrow I will get my trip information (date and time of my arrival, etc.).
But I believe that I will stay and work in your area for 3 months .
And then if all is good I will be able to prolong my staying for 3 years...:)
Here is good weather in Moscow , about +4`C and I want to visit some museums. I dreamed about it all my life ))
Then I want to eat big burger in real Mc Donalds. But I do not know - may be they all are closed
because of cold relations between Russia and USA )) But I hope that I will find one working )))
I have never eat burger in real McDonalds. I have seen it just on TV...
P.S. I believe that I choose wright place, wright time and wright man...
I see that you kind man and that I can trust you.
Soon I will show you how strong can be love from hot litlle Russian girl
I hope that you understand what I mean ;))
I am sending you photos of my last evening at home..
My sister took these photos and laughed )) She followed me everywhere during all day :))
She is little crazy but I love her very much!!!
I put one of my photos to the frame and now I will be always near her bed....
Write me soon please... I am so alone here...


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 5, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 6, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Hello again from Moscow with love)))!:)) How are you today?
I was in Russian art Gallery now, IT WAS SOOO GREEEEAAATTTT!!!!!.
In past I saw this paintings just in the books on pictures and now I’m able to see in real life...
It is very beautiful place...
And I was in the Tsum. It is the most expensive shop in Russia!
I have seen shoes there with price 3000$!!!!!!!!
People must be crazy who buying that shoes :))... It looks like a museum....
But now I feel myself like I’m able to do everything in the world!!!
Do you know the band Scorpions and their song Wind of Change?
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever.
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change.
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams...
With you and me.
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change....
Scorpions is one of favorite bands of my parents!
That's why I know the words (unfortunately I don't know all words).
I'm not great fan of Scorpions but I like this song very much!!!!
Please write me as soon as possible!!!


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 6, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 7, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Re: Hey! Richard hello! I'm writing to you as soon as I can! I am busy with many arrangements! Today I
was in the travel agency and I received information about my trip!
I will be very thankful to you if you can meet me at the Airport!
I will arrive to you on Tuesday, 13 of November. I hope so much it's a good day for you to meet me! I am so glad to see that we are almost
I copied main part of official mail from travel agency.
You can see that info in the end of this mail and copy of my passport in the attach.
near our goal,and our meeting wait for us.
I think I will call you from airport before my flight.
You know I booked tickets on Tuesday , 13 of November flight and I will buy them before
my interview. People from embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally,
so I need to buy round trip tickets (with returning date).
For truth I did not expect I will need to buy round trip tickets,
but now I see that its a very strict rule..:-(
I wanted to ask you about electronic tickets but they (agency) tell that
I can't use because it is their business to arrange all travel details
and they have some extra money from all the things, you see it is just business...
I believe that you will be able to help me because I don't know anybody here and only you are my hope now,
I think everything in your hands and I believe that you will not leave
me here alone. please borrow me some money. I am sure I will be able to return all your money back after a few weeks,
I will get salary and I will collect the sum I own from you.
To be fair I am not sure I know what to say because I hate to ask but now I have no different way, you see.
Please help me it is only money
and much more important if we will meet in person I will do my best, you wont be disappointed.
I see that it sounds a little crazy
but I can't believe that in the worst case I have to return home,they all will laugh at me.
I think it rests with you to decide and I feel that
you will help me because you are kind.
I have about 350 US dollars yet and
I think I need about 800$ US dollars from your side for all my travel needs and living here till my
flight! (I had 1200 dollars, but flight from Tomsk, opening visa, medical insurance and all travel needs costed about 850 dollars).
I was sure that my mom will help me because she promised but now she sent letter that it is possible
only in a few months or so because of family problems.
and she can't send transfer now.
I was in the bank to try to ask them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them
and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few dress and things, some perfume and it is all I have,
and small gift for you from Russia with love.
send it from  today from office of Western Union or Money Gram. Send it to Russia, Moscow to my full name:
First name:  ALINA
Also I've got an advice to send you a scan copy of my passport in case you need to confirm my details.
this is my full name used in all official documents.
They said this is all info you need. But please for any case write down more info.
The address where I'm staying:
Sokolnicheskaya Ploschad 12 ,  apt. 33, post code (zip) 107014
I rent a small room In an apartment of an old policeman here, it's cheaper then hotel.
in the room of the subjects of civilization only a TV and refrigerator.... :-(
and there is no telephone......I must finding public telephone....
The address of the closest Western Union (or MoneyGram) here is:
Bank of recipient in system Western Union, Money Gram can be ANY. It is not necessarily this one.
I have now some money but it's not enough to complete my trip.
Please send me 800$ US dollars and I will complete my trip! BUT PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR CREDIT CARD. Transfer in cash will be much faster - about 10 minutes.
Then please write me all details about the transfer - your FULL NAME and Reference# or Money Transfer Control Number !!
I will not be able receive money without this info.
My honey Richard, I will call you as soon as I receive it.
When I receive the money I will pay for my trip and only then the embassy will put all final stamps on my documents.
I've bought you few souvenirs with Russian attributes!!!
I'm sure you will like them! If you need something more please let me
know, they are not expensive. Also I bought two boxes of Russian chocolate!
I hope so much when I come to you we will like each other!
You are already very special to me! Please when I come to you tell me more about you and your country!
I will listen to everything you tell me and I will do everything you tell me!
I trust you really much! I hope you will not do something to hurt my feelings....
I think you are really good man. I will never do anything to hurt yours!!!
By statistics Moscow is the second most expensive city in the
world after Tokyo... everything is so expensive here...
and I have to pay for my rent and food and buy tickets.. please help me..
Sorry if I missed something or didn't comment please let me know I was so busy with with all preparations!
info from travel agency :
> TRAVEL INFO: Alina Urzhuntseva, Tuesday, 13 November 2018
> © Travel Agency "Pegas-Touristik".
> TRAVEL INFO : Alina Urzhuntseva - private tour.(work visa)
> Russian-English
> Travel dates for: Ms. Alina Urzhuntseva
> Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to
> be checked in with your name and where possible your address.
> Suitable baggage labels and
> stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
> please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
> ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
> your Airline contactperson. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
> be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
> abroad for less than 5 months,it is important to ensure entry to another country .
> Depending on the country to be visited and the worker's nationality, it may be
> necessary to apply for a visitor visa.The worker must have: a valid passport or travel
> document, valid visa .
> Furthermore, page 4 must be signed by the RO. No special
> permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
> passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
> Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
> regards."Pegas-Touristik" is a licensed and officially
> registered travel agency.Travel agency "Pegas-Touristik".
> Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
> Please use our service. managers: Olga
> The nearest possible flight is Tuesday, 13 November 2018
> From Russia, Moscow, Sheremetyevo Int. Airport.
> Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD1180.00+
> This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
> purchased until Monday, 12 November 2018.
Kiss you
Your Alinochka
> Hello, > That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some
> literature I could look at, or could you send me some more
> information about what exactly makes you unique?
> Richard Obrien
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 06/11/2018 17:29 PM, Alinochka wrote:
>> Hello again from Moscow with love)))!:)) How are you today?
>> I was in Russian art Gallery now, IT WAS SOOO GREEEEAAATTTT!!!!!.
>> In past I saw this paintings just in the books on pictures and now I’m able to see in real life...
>> It is very beautiful place...
>> And I was in the Tsum. It is the most expensive shop in Russia!
>> I have seen shoes there with price 3000$!!!!!!!!
>> People must be crazy who buying that shoes :))... It looks like a museum....
>> But now I feel myself like I’m able to do everything in the world!!!
>> Do you know the band Scorpions and their song Wind of Change?
>> Walking down the street
>> Distant memories
>> Are buried in the past forever.
>> I follow the Moskva
>> Down to Gorky Park
>> Listening to the wind of change.
>> Take me to the magic of the moment
>> On a glory night
>> Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams...
>> With you and me.
>> Take me to the magic of the moment
>> On a glory night
>> Where the children of tomorrow dream away
>> in the wind of change....
>> Scorpions is one of favorite bands of my parents!
>> That's why I know the words (unfortunately I don't know all words).
>> I'm not great fan of Scorpions but I like this song very much!!!!
>> Please write me as soon as possible!!!


  • Subject: Re: Hey!
  • On: Nov. 7, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: I do not want to be lonely again!
  • On: Nov. 8, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Hello.....I understand... forgive me! but I’m so disappointed, I don’t know what to do. my mother  told
me she still can’t help me for several months and I just can’t delay my flight for so long time..
I also asked my friends but their answer was "no". I thought that I will never ask you for such
help, but I don’t have another way...I do hope to get your letter with words that you will help me
because if not I have to cancel all travel preparations and collect things to go home. I can't
imagine I am at home again, without any result and just lost all the money I had before. Honey
please take me from here, I will be able to return all your money. I’m not a gangster or a mafia,
I’m a usual girl which just wants to be happy. Pls answer me, I don’t know what to do. You country
has quite strict rules on receiving visas. Many people all over the world consider your country to
be the best place in the world and many people want to go there, that's why the rules are so
strict. I should prove them I'm financially stable to make this trip and pay by myself.
I know its difficult to believe a person who is so far away..
take care


  • Subject: Re: I do not want to be lonely again!
  • On: Nov. 8, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?

Richard Obrien
CEO, MNesty, LLC