The colloquy of Darren Morales

Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Darren Morales and starting a conversation.

This is that conversation.


  • Subject: Försvarsspray och överfallslarm | Kampanj bara 99 kr (ord.pris 199 kr)
  • On: May 22, 2017, 4:36 p.m.

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NU: 99 kr/st* Försvarsspray Pepparspray Tårgasspray Självförsvarsspray

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trygghet. Självklart ingår vår försäkring[3] även vid företagsköp.*

*Företag som värnar om sina medarbetare* "Vi har på senare tid
kontaktats av företag som vill köpa försvarsspray till sina medarbetare.
Flera har frågat om det är tillåtet att låta de anställda ta hem
försvarsspray. Det är helt *lagligt att inneha och använda*
försvarsspray i syfte att värja sig mot överfall, oavsett om du är i
tjänst eller som privatperson."*JUST NU BARA 99 KR (ORD 199 KR)*[4]
*RÖD färgar och förblindar*
Image Som originalspayen men innehåller även en nitisk färg som tar
flera dagar att skrubba bort, vilket underlättar identifiering.*Läs mer & beställ..*[5]
*BLÅ förblindar angriparen*
Image En transparent ofärgad spray som förblindar angriparen i flera
minuter, så att du har gott om tid att fly från platsen och
tillkalla hjälp.*Läs mer & beställ..
*Försäkring ingår med varje försvarsspray*

Vi hoppas självklart precis som du att våra produkter endast skall
finnas med dig för att öka din trygghetskänsla.

Men OM du som kund hos oss trots allt tvingas avfyra en försvarsspray
kommer vi att ersätta dig med en ny.*Läs mer om försäkringen..*[7]
*Erik & Mackan testar Pangspray (film)*

*Se när Erik och Mackan testar Pangspray från GoHomeSafe. [8]*

I filmen testas den färgande sprayen som man med fördel använder när man
även vill kunna identifiera en våldsman som tagit till flykten.

Den transparenta försvarssprayen är populär bland väktare och bland dem
där försvar är främsta syftet.*Se filmen (ca 5 min) ..*[9]

*De vanligaste frågorna*

Måste man ha licens för att få ha en PangSpray?[10]*
** *Vad innehåller PangSpray?*[11] ** *Vad händer om jag sprayar någon
med PangSpray?*[12] ** *Vad skall jag göra om jag tvingats använda en
PangSpray?*[13]*Tillverkning och innehåll*

*Kan jag använda min PangSpray flera gånger?

Är PangSpray testad på djur?

Vart tillverkas PangSpray?

Läs mer & beställ..Läs mer & beställ.. *[14]*Vi fakturerar gärna!*

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  • Subject: Re: Försvarsspray och överfallslarm | Kampanj bara 99 kr (ord.pris 199 kr)
  • On: May 22, 2017, 4:36 p.m.

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • On: Dec. 17, 2020, 12:52 p.m.

Dear Applicant:

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No matter your credit score it will take less than 48 Hours to conclude
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Regards,Xin Jin Loan Company.


  • On: Dec. 17, 2020, 11:02 p.m.

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Dec. 23, 2020, 2:17 p.m.

I will call you "stranger" since I hardly know you.
I won't write much. I will only say about the main thing.
Here I am looking for new acquaintances and relationships, and in the future there may be something more.
I'm tired of being alone, and my age of 35 suggests that it's time for me to find a good and strong relationship with a man.
Well, you will probably be skeptical about my letter, because now millions of letters are floating on the Internet and it is difficult to find truth and reality.
I am also afraid to make mistakes. I want honesty and transparency in emails. And I hope that honesty is important to you too.
This concludes my letter and hope for feedback from you.


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Dec. 23, 2020, 11:40 p.m.

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Dec. 29, 2020, 11:27 a.m.

Hi Donna !
Well, finally you wrote to me. I thought that you would not answer me and consider my letter "rubbish".
I like it when people are frank with me.
I hate lie! And I think that people cannot make happiness on a lie!
I hope you think the same?
I don't think age difference is an important factor in the relationship between a man and a woman.
Because men are wiser and more experienced with age.
Indeed, age is not important to me. what do you think about the difference in our age?
I want to say that I don't have a boyfriend at the moment. I've never been married. I am still lonely.
And I did not have a relationship with men because of my demanding temperament, that I was too demanding of men.
But now I have become wiser and more restrained.
I think that the main thing in a person is the beauty of the soul.
By the way, I almost forgot to tell you about my work.
I do dance and choreography.
Also I am engaged in the cultivation of various flowers. Yes, I really adore flowers and various beautiful flowers are constantly present in my life.
I like my job.
I also visit the gym in my free time. I do fitness and it gives me energy and a toned figure.
It's a little difficult for me to write to you and formulate my thoughts, but I try to write you all the news from my life.
I will not write much about my hope for our communication and so on, because if you are serious with me, then you will continue to communicate with me, you will ask me questions from my personal life, and so on.
but if you are not serious with me, then you will write me short letters, without feelings, without emotions and without much interest, won't you?
Waiting for your answer !


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Dec. 29, 2020, 9:01 p.m.

can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 5, 2021, 8:23 p.m.

I will call you "stranger" since I hardly know you.
I won't write much. I will only say about the main thing.
Here I am looking for new acquaintances and relationships, and in the future there may be something more.
I'm tired of being alone, and my age of 35 suggests that it's time for me to find a good and strong relationship with a man.
Well, you will probably be skeptical about my letter, because now millions of letters are floating on the Internet and it is difficult to find truth and reality.
I am also afraid to make mistakes. I want honesty and transparency in emails. And I hope that honesty is important to you too.
This concludes my letter and hope for feedback from you.


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 6, 2021, 4:42 a.m.

that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 19, 2021, 7:22 p.m.

Hi Hi Donna.
I am glad that our correspondence continues. I try to write you long letters in order to express the whole essence of my thoughts.
I'm trying to tell you a lot about myself. I hope you are not tired of my long letters and information?
Let's continue our conversation.
I want to tell you about my family. This is an important part of my letter, since few people will tell a stranger about their family, and even more so on the Internet.
But I began to trust you and can trust you with my important thoughts.
I live with my mom. My mom's name is Klara.
My mother is a very kind woman and she always keeps our home.
She works in a kindergarten for young children. She is a teacher and often babysit young children.
Apparently the love for children was passed on to me from my mother.
I can talk a lot about the qualities of my mother. But that's another time.
Just like all people, I have friends. I have several best friends.
In the course of our correspondence with you, I will introduce you to several of my friends.
My friends have helped me many times in life in difficult situations. They are loyal and reliable friends.
The main thing in life is to find good and faithful friends who will support you in difficult times throughout your life.
I also have friends at my work.
By the way, today we had an interesting lesson in choreography, where I taught children to dance.
Tell me about your hobbies, I am interested to know about it.
I told you a lot of new things about me and my family.
It is interesting for me to know your life, how you spend your days, to know your habits.


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 20, 2021, 1:03 a.m.

I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 25, 2021, 6:39 p.m.

Hi Donna!!!
Again and again we continue our communication and I like to spend time reading your letter and your thoughts.
In this letter I have several important questions that will help me understand you more.
Donna tell me what you want from life?
What do you need to be happy?
Yesterday I lay and thought about it for a long time. I understand that happiness is different for many.
For me personally, happiness is a diverse concept.
For me it is already happiness that I live in this world and can enjoy the world around me.
I can see all the delights of this world.
Also, happiness lies in finding your other half and feeling love and euphoria.
We are adults and we well understand that trust is built on sincerity.
I will always be frank with you and I will tell you everything.
As I already wrote to you, I dream of building a happy family, but now I don't have it.
Now I do not have this, because I have not yet found my man.
I like men who are older than me. I believe that men who are older than me are more serious and more responsible.
They know what they want in this life. Of course I have had relationships with men in the past.
But there weren't many of them and they all ended for me. The bottom line is that men basically want some kind of fun.
What do you think about it? do you agree with me or are you ready to argue about this?
I like it when a man is polite to me and will never give me offense.
I understand that relationships are not built immediately and it takes a lot of time. But we must strive for a clean and serious relationship.
Our acquaintance with you is very serious for me.
I hope that you will support me in this too !!!!
All the best!!!!!!!
I will wait for your letter.


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 26, 2021, 5:07 a.m.

That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 28, 2021, 1:59 p.m.

Hello Donna !!!
Here again I can write to you, you are an interesting person and I feel more confident with each new letter.
I can share my thoughts and feelings with you. I feel comfortable talking to you.
How is your mood? what are your plans for the new year?
Christmas and New Year's for me is like a fairy tale that must be believed! We must believe in miracles!
I always try to be positive in spite of various problems and so on.
After all, if we plunge into problems, these problems will completely engulf us and we will no longer be able to return to our previous state.
Do you agree with me?
Well, today I got off work early, wrote you a letter and now I will cook dinner.
A special dinner tonight, family. My mom and I will have dinner together and talk about different situations.
I love having dinner with my mom and having discussions with her, because she can tell me a few stories that can give me a good or bad example.
Well, I'm waiting for your letter and a little story from you!
I wish you a good mood and wait for your answer!


  • Subject: Re: received my letter
  • On: Jan. 28, 2021, 3:27 p.m.

Hey there,
Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Darren
  • On: Feb. 1, 2021, 11:47 a.m.

Hello Darren !!!
How do you ?
I am glad that you do not forget me and write me your wonderful letters.
Each of your letters brings me a lot of happiness and I think that you treat me with respect.
I understand that meeting you changed my life. And all these changes are for the better.
You have filled my life with new feelings and I want these feelings to be mutual.
And I think about it all the time. I always think about you.
What are your plans for today? What interesting happened with you today?
I love to chat with you on various topics and learn a lot of interesting things from you.
I love listening and reading your mind. But sometimes I don't understand some of your words and statements.
But I always try to understand you correctly and maintain our dialogue. I always try to answer your every question and every thought.
And I can no longer do and live without you and your letters. I really miss you!!
I believe in fate. And I think it was fate that introduced us. And I am very grateful to fate for the fact that I met you.
Do you believe in fate ?? How do you feel about it ??
By the way, today I'm going to a cafe with my school friend Lyudmila.
I will very much wait for your letter. I'm already starting to miss !!
I hope that you will write to me very soon.
I am sending you my summer video in the flower park. I love flowers!


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 1, 2021, 10:25 p.m.

I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 3, 2021, 7:16 p.m.

Have a nice day !!!
I am pleased that you and I communicate, that you and I get to know each other better.
I am pleased to know that you have studied some of my ideas and you know what I want, I was pleased to tell you about me and read stories about you.
I am an independent woman, but sometimes I want to have a person with me with whom I could share my thoughts and experiences, talk about something personal, who can understand and support me in a difficult situation.
I am glad that I met you, because you understand me, we have a good dialogue, this does not happen often.
For the first time in recent years, I have a great desire to communicate with a man and tell you about my life and about my interests.
I'm talking about you!
Today I would like to ask you one question to which your answer is interesting to me!
imagine this situation. you walk down the street, past a cafe, and suddenly you see me (you and I don't know each other), I'm sitting at the table and drinking coffee in a cafe.
would you dare to come up to me and get to know me? if in real life there was such a situation, then I would really like you to come up to me!
I would like you to describe this picture to me, how would you approach me? what would you tell me?
I would be glad to talk to you about this topic.
Well, now I will finish my letter, because I have to go.
Today my friend is going with her husband to the holiday, and there is no one to leave the child with, so my friend asked me to look after her daughter.
Yes, today I will be babysitting a small child and it is very exciting for me. But I'm sure I can handle it.
Wish me luck !:)
By the way, I am sending you my new photos and photos with my friend from our last trip to the cafe.


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 3, 2021, 11:34 p.m.

Great, thanks. Could we have a short call to discuss the specifics? What are your contact details? Also, what is your pricing model like?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 7, 2021, 7:07 p.m.

Hi Donna!
I am glad again and again that our acquaintance and communication with you continues!
I am glad that you don’t forget me and write me your wonderful letters.
I want to tell you that after we met, I began to feel that my life had changed.
And these changes are for the better. I hope that these changes will give me a lot of new things.
I became more cheerful and cheerful. I want to love and be loved again.
And it's all thanks to you. I want all this to continue and never stop.
I understand that meeting you changed my life. And all these changes are for the better.
You have filled my life with new feelings and I want these feelings to be mutual.
I began to feel that there is a person on this earth who is not indifferent to me and who is not indifferent to me.
Who thinks of me and cares about me as much as I will take care of him.
And I think about it all the time. And these thoughts and feelings overwhelm me.
I always think about you. I think about you when I wake up in the morning.
I think about you when I go to work. I think about you when I go to bed and I fall asleep thinking about you !!!
I don't know how to describe it in words, I just do not have enough words to express it.
I have never felt this before, and therefore it is difficult for me to explain it.
And with every letter you write, these feelings become stronger and stronger.
And I can no longer do and live without you and your letters. I really miss you!!
This afternoon during my lunch, I went to the store to pick a gift for a friend.
I have been thinking for a long time what gift to give my friend Lyudmila.
I spent a long time choosing what to buy, but then I bought a holiday certificate in a women's clothing store so that my friend could buy the clothes she liked herself!
Today I will go to my girlfriend's birthday party.
I am very excited before this celebration and I hope that I will look great!
Well, at the end of my letter, I want to please you with my summer photography and photography from the exhibition.
I love summer, I love wearing dresses. And also I love various exhibitions. Do you go to exhibitions?
I wish you a good mood and wait for your answer!


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 7, 2021, 11:08 p.m.

I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 10, 2021, 11:14 a.m.

Hi Donna!
How are you?
I have accumulated a lot of feelings and emotions for you and I want to tell you about it.
My feelings overwhelm me !! And these feelings are like in youth, when the first love comes or something forbidden.
Adrenaline in your blood goes off scale, you do not want to eat and sleep. This is called awakening feelings for each other.
What do you think about this feeling?
I thought about this for several hours at night and could not sleep for a long time.
I fell asleep only in the morning.
I am tormented by some feeling. But I'm afraid, I'm afraid to confess to you.
Donna I think I fell in love with you.
I do not understand what is happening to me now.
It seems to me that I found myself in a completely different world.
I want to touch you, but we are still very little acquainted. But our correspondence gave me feelings and I'm afraid to make a mistake and make the wrong choice.
Do you mind if I tell you "my love"?
But I can't fight my feelings anymore.
My heart is on fire. Burns with love for you !!!
I’m so scared because I’ve never felt this way before.
You are the first man in my life with whom I am so close and frank.
From the very beginning we had good communication.
But now for me this communication has grown into more serious feelings and opened for you my whole soul and all my heart.
It may seem very hasty to you. But I fell in love with you and I love you.
There is nothing more I can do about it.
I am sending you my new photos! Also my photo from a fitness workout.


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 10, 2021, 9:34 p.m.

Hey there,
Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 12, 2021, 7:38 a.m.

Hello my Donna !!!
How are you??
Your letters always make me happy.
Yesterday I took this frank step and now it became easier for me.
Until the moment I wrote to you, it was so hard for me. But now I'm happy.
I hope you are happy too.
Of course I understand that my revelation seems too harsh for you.
I think you think I'm still young and don't understand my feelings.
But I have never experienced such love.
You are the first person in my life whom I love and who is so close to me in character.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
How could such feelings arise through such a distance?
My darling, this may also confuse you the most.
But all these feelings were preceded by our communication with you.
We could learn more and more about each other.
With each letter I understood that you are very close to me and that you and I have a lot in common.
Yes, I completely forgot to write to you.
I'll try to call you, so give me your phone number.
I really hope that you and I can talk, I really want to hear your voice.
Now I am finishing my letter and will wait for your answer.
Your Anna!


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 12, 2021, 10:23 a.m.

that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 15, 2021, 6:54 p.m.

Hello Donna.
I am glad to see your next letter.
Your letters are like a ray of the sun, they warm my soul and give me strength for the whole day.
And when I read your letters before going to bed, then I definitely see you in a dream.
How was your day? How is your mood?
By the way, for a long time I wanted to ask you how you imagine our meeting in reality? and can you imagine our meeting at all? or not?
I will tell you how I imagine it.
I think that first we will meet our gaze, our eyes will catch each other, we will jump with happiness and go towards each other.
And no one can in any way prevent us from going to meet each other.
Then there will be a strong and gentle hug! Donna can you hug me so tight that you never let go? I'm sure you can.
Then we will kiss, enjoy our kisses. We will go where slow music is playing.
Where there will be little light, where we can only be together. We can enjoy music and our happiness.
Would you like this?
And then a long and passionate night awaits us with love and affection. And we will fall asleep only in the morning.
Do you like my thoughts?
I want to truly love you and start our relationship in reality.
I'm ready to take a chance and walk the path to you.
I respect you and I am confident in you. I gained confidence and love in you, so why don't we meet in reality?
Is it possible or not? let's think about it.
I am waiting for your thoughts. I want you...


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 16, 2021, 12:06 a.m.

Great, thanks. Could we have a short call to discuss the specifics? What are your contact details? Also, what is your pricing model like?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 18, 2021, 2:29 p.m.

Hi Donna!
I am very glad to receive a letter from you!
How is your day going?
I am very pleased to know that I have such a wonderful man like you, who loves me and takes care of me.
I am very glad that we were able to find each other.
Our love with you is two halves that are trying to connect and be together.
At first, our halves were weak, but with each of our letters they got stronger and became stronger and stronger.
now our love is very strong and I think that you and I can overcome all the difficulties that may arise in front of us.
We love each other and I know that we can overcome the distance that separates us.
I really want us to be close, so that you and I can see each other's views, so that we can touch each other.
Our goal is to unite our loving hearts. Right? So we have to be serious now to fulfill our dream of meeting.
My beloved, when I think about you, my days pass faster and I hardly notice them. I often dream of you.
And in these minutes I am the happiest. I don't want to wake up when I dream of you. My love, I constantly think about you.
I think you understand me. My love for you is very strong and all the time I think about how we will spend our time with you.
My dear, I want to tell you that I just cannot live without your kisses. I need them.
I wanna be with you. I really like to think of you. When I dream that you are kissing me, sometimes I think that it really is.
And I tell you that I am pleased only with you.
What do you think about it? What are your thoughts?
I need to know everything you think about it, because we are both ready to meet.
I will end the letter with this. kissssssssssss


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 18, 2021, 11:01 p.m.

I talked to my colleagues about this but they seemed to have some apprehensions; namely, they're worried that the offer isn't fleshed out enough. Would you be able to go into more detail about exactly how this would be structured?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 21, 2021, 8:45 p.m.

Hi Donna!
I am glad that you and I have developed such a strong love relationship.
Now our relationship is developing smoothly. You know almost everything about me.
Now I would like to talk about our personal meeting. Only at a personal meeting we can already definitely understand each other. Habits, character and feelings. Do you understand?
I think I will be taking a short vacation. I need rest and we can also plan our meeting in reality.
Of course it will be difficult and we have to think about it, find out all the details.
I will also prepare for our meeting. I will find out all the necessary information.
What do you think about it? what are your thoughts?
My heart is just for you. I so want you and me to be together !!
I know that you love me with all your soul and heart, but I want to feel this love not only through our letters on the Internet.
I think the time has come to think about our meeting face to face.
I resolved this by spending all night thinking.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!


  • Subject: Re: Darren
  • On: Feb. 21, 2021, 9:22 p.m.

That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: David Morales Investment(ORIGIN & SOURCE of Funds (DETAILS)
  • On: April 6, 2021, 12:07 p.m.

Dear David Morales,

Thank you for your email. You need to take your time and read this email properly so that you can understand the nature of this project. All I need from you is your cooperation and trust. 

This project is 100% legal and risk free. I assure you from the bottom of my heart.

My name is Gary Dunham and I am the financial manager to late American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The American billionaire committed suicide by hanging himself on the 10th of August 2019 inside his cell in The Metropolitan Correctional in New York,

Now there is a huge fortune left behind by the late billionaire which includes so many properties, private equity investments, and cash. He is also known to be associated with many men of power and riches in the United States.

All I have stated above are already in public domains. But what is unknown to people around him is the special relationship that existed between myself and the late billionaire. I am privileged to be one of his close associates and I am currently in the US being the hotbed or epicenter of the current investigation about his death and finances which I consider not to be an advantage for his funds in my care. The amount is $15,000,000 (Fifteen Million Dollars)  I want to invest in whatever area of the economy of your country.  I would want you to be the receiver of the funds and invest it in some specific project for which your guidance is highly required. Your foremost guiding principle should be a heart for the value of diligence and commitment on your part. The funds shall be placed in your care for investment purposes and be sure that you will be given a sole right and control to choose and decide but with primary consideration for the security of funds and high net worth and profitability that comes with it and ensuring there is adequate multiplication of the corresponding capital. This is because what is most important to me as we go into the partnership is the return on investment on a yearly basis. I propose that the return on investment (ROI) be shared equally between us at the end of each year while the principal sum continuously remains intact for a period of five (5) years. There shall be paperwork for guidance (MOU) to be put in place to this effect.

The origin of funds has been explained above, and I am an agent to the deceased based on my relationship with him. My name is remarked as a "coordinator" of funds at the  security warehouse where funds are currently domiciled. So I  have the proof of funds which I will provide to you in due course only if we agree to proceed further with this.

.After receiving the package i will pay you a visit in your country this will enable us to see face to face.However, while that is on the table, and for you to effectively take possession of the funds within the shortest possible time, I will furnish you with further information and the best non-banking procedural process to get the funds to your destination without any financial involvement. This is as soon as you respond to this email with assurances that you can use funds wisely for investment for high profitability. Reply with a confirmation of your understanding of this matter and also by providing the following details not only for my independent verification but also for consideration for written MOU/agreement:

1. Your Complete names :
2. Complete Contact Address
3. Your Phone Number(s)
4. Your Occupation? :
5. Your Company Name (If any) :
6. What's the specialist Area of the company? :
7. A scanned copy of your valid identification

Please NOTE that the procedural steps for smooth shipment and delivery of the funds to your destination have been mapped out. It is a non-banking process, which is highly preferred to avoid the name of the late billionaire being linked to this and causing a red flag in the banking circle. Therefore be notified that the funds would come to you in cash at your destination. And nothing would be allowed to give room for counterproductiveness. Please provide as much as can be available of the above-listed requested information about you. And in reciprocation to your compliance and also as a sign of sincerity of purpose on my part, I shall provide my complete personal information and identification and in addition with explicit information on the projected processes for your taking-charge of proceedings, I wait to receive ALL above requested information about you in your next mail.

Waiting to hear from you Asap.

Very sincerely yours
Gary Dunham
On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 at 08:02, Gary Dunham <[email protected]> wrote:
I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?

David Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: David Morales Investment(ORIGIN & SOURCE of Funds (DETAILS)
  • On: April 6, 2021, 3:40 p.m.

Great, thanks. Could we have a short call to discuss the specifics? What are your contact details? Also, what is your pricing model like?

Darren Morales
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: David Morales Investment(ORIGIN & SOURCE of Funds (DETAILS)
  • On: April 7, 2021, 12:17 p.m.

See below my contact details,
.Name : Gary DunhamCitizenship : USA
Address : 1202 Bay St Suite 700, Toronto, ON M5R 2A5, Canada
Phone Number : +1(240) 4101750
Date of Birth : 16th March 1952
My Current Location : Canada
Please i will appreciate if you can send me your information too   

  1. Your Complete names :
 2. Complete Contact Address
 3. Your Phone Number(s)
 4. Your Occupation? :
 5. Your Company Name (If any) :
 6. What's the specialist Area of the company? :
 7. A scanned copy of your valid identification  

I wait to hear from you
On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 at 08:41, Darren Morales <[email protected]> wrote:

Great, thanks. Could we have a short call to discuss the specifics? What are your contact details? Also, what is your pricing model like?

Darren Morales

CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 06/04/2021 12:07 PM,  wrote:

> Dear David Morales,



> Thank you for your email. You need to take your time and read this email properly so that you can understand the nature of this project. All I need from you is your cooperation and trust. 


> This project is 100% legal and risk free. I assure you from the bottom of my heart.




> My name is Gary Dunham and I am the financial manager to late American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The American billionaire committed suicide by hanging himself on the 10th of August 2019 inside his cell in The Metropolitan Correctional in New York,


> Now there is a huge fortune left behind by the late billionaire which includes so many properties, private equity investments, and cash. He is also known to be associated with many men of power and riches in the United States.


> All I have stated above are already in public domains. But what is unknown to people around him is the special relationship that existed between myself and the late billionaire. I am privileged to be one of his close associates and I am currently in the US being the hotbed or epicenter of the current investigation about his death and finances which I consider not to be an advantage for his funds in my care. The amount is $15,000,000 (Fifteen Million Dollars)  I want to invest in whatever area of the economy of your country.  I would want you to be the receiver of the funds and invest it in some specific project for which your guidance is highly required. Your foremost guiding principle should be a heart for the value of diligence and commitment on your part. The funds shall be placed in your care for investment purposes and be sure that you will be given a sole right and control to choose and decide but with primary consideration for the security of funds and high net worth and profitability that comes with it and ensuring there is adequate multiplication of the corresponding capital. This is because what is most important to me as we go into the partnership is the return on investment on a yearly basis. I propose that the return on investment (ROI) be shared equally between us at the end of each year while the principal sum continuously remains intact for a period of five (5) years. There shall be paperwork for guidance (MOU) to be put in place to this effect.


> The origin of funds has been explained above, and I am an agent to the deceased based on my relationship with him. My name is remarked as a "coordinator" of funds at the  security warehouse where funds are currently domiciled. So I  have the proof of funds which I will provide to you in due course only if we agree to proceed further with this.


> .After receiving the package i will pay you a visit in your country this will enable us to see face to face.However, while that is on the table, and for you to effectively take possession of the funds within the shortest possible time, I will furnish you with further information and the best non-banking procedural process to get the funds to your destination without any financial involvement. This is as soon as you respond to this email with assurances that you can use funds wisely for investment for high profitability. Reply with a confirmation of your understanding of this matter and also by providing the following details not only for my independent verification but also for consideration for written MOU/agreement:


> 1. Your Complete names :

> 2. Complete Contact Address

> 3. Your Phone Number(s)

> 4. Your Occupation? :

> 5. Your Company Name (If any) :

> 6. What's the specialist Area of the company? :

> 7. A scanned copy of your valid identification


> Please NOTE that the procedural steps for smooth shipment and delivery of the funds to your destination have been mapped out. It is a non-banking process, which is highly preferred to avoid the name of the late billionaire being linked to this and causing a red flag in the banking circle. Therefore be notified that the funds would come to you in cash at your destination. And nothing would be allowed to give room for counterproductiveness. Please provide as much as can be available of the above-listed requested information about you. And in reciprocation to your compliance and also as a sign of sincerity of purpose on my part, I shall provide my complete personal information and identification and in addition with explicit information on the projected processes for your taking-charge of proceedings, I wait to receive ALL above requested information about you in your next mail.


> Waiting to hear from you Asap.


> Very sincerely yours

> Gary Dunham

> On Mon, 5 Apr 2021 at 08:02, Gary Dunham <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,

> I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?


> David Morales

> CEO, MNesty, LLC

