The colloquy of Henry Gutierrez

Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Henry Gutierrez and starting a conversation.

This is that conversation.


  • Subject:
  • On: April 25, 2021, 12:33 p.m.

Subject: Thanks for your message regarding!
Sunday 04/25/2021

E-Mail Message

From: raveencard
Email: [email protected]


П о д р а в л я е м ! З а б е р и т е В а ш п о д а р о ч н ы й ю б и л е й н ы й б и л е т Г О С Л О Т О :



  • Subject: Re:
  • On: April 25, 2021, 9:50 p.m.

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: I am waiting for your response.
  • On: July 6, 2021, 8 a.m.

Dear Mr.

Greeting. Thank you so much for your kind and swift response to my mail. I really appreciate your kind understanding to assist me to achieve this great life opportunity. Before I go ahead and give you more details, I will like to introduce myself very well to you so that you will know who you are dealing with and for you to have trust in me. I work with the UBS Investment Bank here in London. I am working as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG Greater London Regional Office. I am married to Mrs Clara Slatter a British citizen and we have two sons and one daughter.

The major reason I had to go into this transaction is that there is no moral justification for UBS Investment Bank to inherit this fund. All I needed from you is your most honest, sincere and understanding co-operation. I have worked out carefully the modality in which this transaction will be carried out. Besides, as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG greater London regional office, I have in my possession all relevant information and instruments which will back up this claim.

I would want to reiterate that there is nothing about this transaction that will expose you to any breach of the law as it will be executed under the ambit of the law. UBS Investment Bank will give you all back up in your country that this fund is legal once the fund is transferred to your nominated bank account. With the full details of the information on how we are going to carry out this transaction which I will send across to you with the documents I will have in my possession, there is nothing that will bar the Bank from paying you the funds. So, your security here and in your country is wholly assured.

As regards to the Bank's curiosity about your co-relationship with the deceased customer, Late Moises Saba Masri. just the provision of certified documents in relation to late customer, the Bank will be convinced that you are the kin to Late Moises Saba Masri. Moreover, I am here to provide you with any other information they might demand. I want you to trust me. I have worked in a legal department, you ought to understand me when I tell you that you are protected that I have all it takes to inherit this fund.

Right now, all I need is your honest and sincere co-operation so that we can carry out this deal through. I am going to make arrangements to upload your data here in our Bank in case of verifications. I want you to assure me of keeping this transaction 100% CONFIDENTIAL AND SECRET, because of my position in the bank.

Do not discuss or get a third party involved as that might jeopardize this opportunity for us to make our future. I will also join you immediately the funds get into your account for sharing according to the mode I proposed. I will also need your help in investing some part of my share in a profitable business venture in your country.

Once again, I have to assure you that we will conclude this transaction in the shortest possible duration and this fund will successfully transfer to your nominated bank account once you start by contacting the bank today. Write me upon receipt of this message for proper discussions. Keep this a top-secret as this transaction demands.

Sincere Regards,
Mr. Ian Slatter.

---- On Sun, 04 Jul 2021 09:21:25 +0200 Hannah Gutierrez DDS <[email protected]> wrote ----

Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?

Hannah Gutierrez DDS
CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 04/07/2021 07:21 AM, wrote:
> Herr Ian Slatter,
> Co-Head Global Markets Sales,
> UBS-Investmentbank London.
> Ich erwarte, dass mein Brief Sie heute bei bester Gesundheit und
> bester Laune antrifft. Bitte verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich in Ihre
> Privatsphäre eingedrungen bin. Kann man Ihnen in einer
> finanziellen Geschäftsbeziehung vertrauen, die für uns beide von
> gegenseitigem Nutzen ist? Ich habe Ihren Namen und Kontakt von
> der International Business Information Ihres Landes erhalten, in
> der Hoffnung, dass Sie an dem interessiert sind, was ich Ihnen
> gleich mitteilen werde.
> Ich bin Mr. Ian Slatter aus North West London, hier in England.
> Ich arbeite für die UBS Bank, London. Ich schreibe Ihnen über
> einen Geschäftsvorschlag, der für uns beide von immensem Nutzen
> sein wird. Als Co-Head Global Markets Sales - UBS AG Greater
> London Regional Office entdeckte ich eine aufgegebene Summe von
> 22,3 Millionen Britischen Pfund Sterling (zweiundzwanzig
> Millionen Dreihunderttausend Britische Pfund Sterling) auf einem
> Konto, das einem unserer ausländische verstorbene Kunden, ein
> Milliardär Geschäftsmogul Verstorbener Herr Moises Saba Masri,
> ein Jude aus Mexiko, der im Januar 2010 einem Hubschrauberabsturz
> zum Opfer fiel, bei dem er und seine Familienmitglieder starben.
> Saba war 47 Jahre alt. Im Hubschrauber befanden sich zum
> Zeitpunkt des Absturzes auch seine Frau, ihr Sohn Avraham
> (Albert) und seine Schwiegertochter. Auch der Pilot war tot.
> Die Wahl der Kontaktaufnahme ergibt sich aus der geografischen
> Beschaffenheit Ihres Wohnortes, insbesondere aufgrund der
> Sensibilität der Transaktion und der darin enthaltenen
> Vertraulichkeit. Nun wartet unsere Bank darauf, dass einer der
> Verwandten den Anspruch geltend macht, aber das hat niemand
> getan. Mir persönlich ist es seit 6 Monaten erfolglos, die
> Angehörigen ausfindig zu machen, ich bitte um Ihre Zustimmung,
> Sie dem Verstorbenen als nächsten
> Angehörigen/Vermögensberechtigten vorzustellen, damit Ihnen der
> Erlös dieses Kontos im Wert von 22,3 Millionen Pfund ausgezahlt
> werden kann.
> Dies wird in diesen Prozentsätzen ausgezahlt oder geteilt, 60 %
> an mich und 40 % an Sie. Ich habe alle erforderlichen rechtlichen
> Dokumente sichergestellt, die verwendet werden können, um diese
> Behauptung, die wir erheben, zu untermauern. Alles, was ich
> brauche, ist, Ihre Namen in die Dokumente einzutragen und sie
> hier vor Gericht zu legalisieren, um Sie als rechtmäßigen
> Begünstigten zu beweisen. Alles, was ich jetzt benötige, ist Ihre
> ehrliche Zusammenarbeit, Vertraulichkeit und Ihr Vertrauen, damit
> wir diese Transaktion durchziehen können. Ich garantiere Ihnen,
> dass dies im Rahmen einer legitimen Vereinbarung erfolgt, die Sie
> vor jeglichen Gesetzesverstößen schützt.
> Bitte stellen Sie mir Folgendes zur Verfügung, da wir 7 Tage Zeit
> haben, um es durchzuarbeiten. Das ist BITTE sehr DRINGEND.
> 1. Vollständiger Name:
> 2. Ihre direkte Handynummer:
> 3. Ihre Kontaktadresse:
> 4. Ihr Beruf:
> 5. Ihre Nationalität:
> 6. Ihr Geschlecht/Alter:
> Nach einer methodischen Suche beschloss ich, Sie zu kontaktieren,
> in der Hoffnung, dass Sie diesen Vorschlag interessant finden.
> Bitte bestätigen Sie diese Nachricht und geben Sie Ihr Interesse
> an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Bemühen Sie sich, mir
> Ihre Entscheidung mitzuteilen, anstatt mich warten zu lassen.
> Grüße,
> Herr Ian Slatter.


  • Subject: Re: I am waiting for your response.
  • On: July 6, 2021, 11:24 a.m.

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Provide your details.
  • On: July 7, 2021, 10:22 a.m.

Dear Mr. Henry Gutierrez,

Good morning. Thank you for your response. I am delighted that you have agreed to partner with me in this transaction of immense mutual benefit.

Before we proceed further I kindly request that you provide your details as stated below.

1. Full Name:
2. Your Direct Mobile Number:
3. Your Contact Address:
4. Your Occupation:
5. Your Nationality:
6. Your sex/Age:

This above information will enable me insert your details into UBS bank database to which you will reflect as the next of kin to the deceased Late Moises Saba Masri.

Please kindly provide the details as requested. This is the first step in your efforts to achieve success.

I await your swift response.

Sincere Regards,
Mr. I an Slatter.

---- On Tue, 06 Jul 2021 13:25:14 +0200 Henry Gutierrez <[email protected]> wrote ----

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 06/07/2021 08:00 AM, wrote:
> Dear Mr.
> Greeting. Thank you so much for your kind and swift response to my mail. I really appreciate your kind understanding to assist me to achieve this great life opportunity. Before I go ahead and give you more details, I will like to introduce myself very well to you so that you will know who you are dealing with and for you to have trust in me. I work with the UBS Investment Bank here in London. I am working as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG Greater London Regional Office. I am married to Mrs Clara Slatter a British citizen and we have two sons and one daughter.
> The major reason I had to go into this transaction is that there is no moral justification for UBS Investment Bank to inherit this fund. All I needed from you is your most honest, sincere and understanding co-operation. I have worked out carefully the modality in which this transaction will be carried out. Besides, as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG greater London regional office, I have in my possession all relevant information and instruments which will back up this claim.
> I would want to reiterate that there is nothing about this transaction that will expose you to any breach of the law as it will be executed under the ambit of the law. UBS Investment Bank will give you all back up in your country that this fund is legal once the fund is transferred to your nominated bank account. With the full details of the information on how we are going to carry out this transaction which I will send across to you with the documents I will have in my possession, there is nothing that will bar the Bank from paying you the funds. So, your security here and in your country is wholly assured.
> As regards to the Bank's curiosity about your co-relationship with the deceased customer, Late Moises Saba Masri. just the provision of certified documents in relation to late customer, the Bank will be convinced that you are the kin to Late Moises Saba Masri. Moreover, I am here to provide you with any other information they might demand. I want you to trust me. I have worked in a legal department, you ought to understand me when I tell you that you are protected that I have all it takes to inherit this fund.
> Right now, all I need is your honest and sincere co-operation so that we can carry out this deal through. I am going to make arrangements to upload your data here in our Bank in case of verifications. I want you to assure me of keeping this transaction 100% CONFIDENTIAL AND SECRET, because of my position in the bank.
> Do not discuss or get a third party involved as that might jeopardize this opportunity for us to make our future. I will also join you immediately the funds get into your account for sharing according to the mode I proposed. I will also need your help in investing some part of my share in a profitable business venture in your country.
> Once again, I have to assure you that we will conclude this transaction in the shortest possible duration and this fund will successfully transfer to your nominated bank account once you start by contacting the bank today. Write me upon receipt of this message for proper discussions. Keep this a top-secret as this transaction demands.
> Sincere Regards,
> Mr. Ian Slatter.
> ---- On Sun, 04 Jul 2021 09:21:25 +0200 Hannah Gutierrez DDS <[email protected]> wrote ----
> Hello,
> Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?
> Hannah Gutierrez DDS
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 04/07/2021 07:21 AM, wrote:
> > Herr Ian Slatter,
> >
> > Co-Head Global Markets Sales,
> >
> > UBS-Investmentbank London.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ich erwarte, dass mein Brief Sie heute bei bester Gesundheit und
> >
> > bester Laune antrifft. Bitte verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich in Ihre
> >
> > Privatsphäre eingedrungen bin. Kann man Ihnen in einer
> >
> > finanziellen Geschäftsbeziehung vertrauen, die für uns beide von
> >
> > gegenseitigem Nutzen ist? Ich habe Ihren Namen und Kontakt von
> >
> > der International Business Information Ihres Landes erhalten, in
> >
> > der Hoffnung, dass Sie an dem interessiert sind, was ich Ihnen
> >
> > gleich mitteilen werde.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ich bin Mr. Ian Slatter aus North West London, hier in England.
> >
> > Ich arbeite für die UBS Bank, London. Ich schreibe Ihnen über
> >
> > einen Geschäftsvorschlag, der für uns beide von immensem Nutzen
> >
> > sein wird. Als Co-Head Global Markets Sales - UBS AG Greater
> >
> > London Regional Office entdeckte ich eine aufgegebene Summe von
> >
> > 22,3 Millionen Britischen Pfund Sterling (zweiundzwanzig
> >
> > Millionen Dreihunderttausend Britische Pfund Sterling) auf einem
> >
> > Konto, das einem unserer ausländische verstorbene Kunden, ein
> >
> > Milliardär Geschäftsmogul Verstorbener Herr Moises Saba Masri,
> >
> > ein Jude aus Mexiko, der im Januar 2010 einem Hubschrauberabsturz
> >
> > zum Opfer fiel, bei dem er und seine Familienmitglieder starben.
> >
> > Saba war 47 Jahre alt. Im Hubschrauber befanden sich zum
> >
> > Zeitpunkt des Absturzes auch seine Frau, ihr Sohn Avraham
> >
> > (Albert) und seine Schwiegertochter. Auch der Pilot war tot.
> >
> >
> >
> > Die Wahl der Kontaktaufnahme ergibt sich aus der geografischen
> >
> > Beschaffenheit Ihres Wohnortes, insbesondere aufgrund der
> >
> > Sensibilität der Transaktion und der darin enthaltenen
> >
> > Vertraulichkeit. Nun wartet unsere Bank darauf, dass einer der
> >
> > Verwandten den Anspruch geltend macht, aber das hat niemand
> >
> > getan. Mir persönlich ist es seit 6 Monaten erfolglos, die
> >
> > Angehörigen ausfindig zu machen, ich bitte um Ihre Zustimmung,
> >
> > Sie dem Verstorbenen als nächsten
> >
> > Angehörigen/Vermögensberechtigten vorzustellen, damit Ihnen der
> >
> > Erlös dieses Kontos im Wert von 22,3 Millionen Pfund ausgezahlt
> >
> > werden kann.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dies wird in diesen Prozentsätzen ausgezahlt oder geteilt, 60 %
> >
> > an mich und 40 % an Sie. Ich habe alle erforderlichen rechtlichen
> >
> > Dokumente sichergestellt, die verwendet werden können, um diese
> >
> > Behauptung, die wir erheben, zu untermauern. Alles, was ich
> >
> > brauche, ist, Ihre Namen in die Dokumente einzutragen und sie
> >
> > hier vor Gericht zu legalisieren, um Sie als rechtmäßigen
> >
> > Begünstigten zu beweisen. Alles, was ich jetzt benötige, ist Ihre
> >
> > ehrliche Zusammenarbeit, Vertraulichkeit und Ihr Vertrauen, damit
> >
> > wir diese Transaktion durchziehen können. Ich garantiere Ihnen,
> >
> > dass dies im Rahmen einer legitimen Vereinbarung erfolgt, die Sie
> >
> > vor jeglichen Gesetzesverstößen schützt.
> >
> >
> >
> > Bitte stellen Sie mir Folgendes zur Verfügung, da wir 7 Tage Zeit
> >
> > haben, um es durchzuarbeiten. Das ist BITTE sehr DRINGEND.
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. Vollständiger Name:
> >
> > 2. Ihre direkte Handynummer:
> >
> > 3. Ihre Kontaktadresse:
> >
> > 4. Ihr Beruf:
> >
> > 5. Ihre Nationalität:
> >
> > 6. Ihr Geschlecht/Alter:
> >
> >
> >
> > Nach einer methodischen Suche beschloss ich, Sie zu kontaktieren,
> >
> > in der Hoffnung, dass Sie diesen Vorschlag interessant finden.
> >
> > Bitte bestätigen Sie diese Nachricht und geben Sie Ihr Interesse
> >
> > an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Bemühen Sie sich, mir
> >
> > Ihre Entscheidung mitzuteilen, anstatt mich warten zu lassen.
> >
> >
> >
> > Grüße,
> >
> > Herr Ian Slatter.
> >
> >
> >
> >


  • Subject: Re: Provide your details.
  • On: July 8, 2021, 2:31 p.m.

Dear Mr. Henry Gutierrez,

Best regards. I am writing to you with a kind request that you do what is necessary to enable us to carry out this transaction of immense mutual benefit.

Please send me your personal data. This enables me to add your personal data to the UBS Bank database. It is the first step in our quest for success.

As I mentioned earlier, I have worked out all the modalities through which we will achieve a smooth success in this transaction.

Act as I have directed, it is the foundation of success and always remember to keep the details of this transaction discreet at all times for security reasons.

I am waiting for your quick reply. Wish you a nice weekend.

With best regards,
Mr. Ian Slatter.

---- On Wed, 07 Jul 2021 12:22:41 +0200 ianslatter <[email protected]> wrote ----

Dear Mr. Henry Gutierrez,

Good morning. Thank you for your response. I am delighted that you have agreed to partner with me in this transaction of immense mutual benefit.

Before we proceed further I kindly request that you provide your details as stated below.

1. Full Name:
2. Your Direct Mobile Number:
3. Your Contact Address:
4. Your Occupation:
5. Your Nationality:
6. Your sex/Age:

This above information will enable me insert your details into UBS bank database to which you will reflect as the next of kin to the deceased Late Moises Saba Masri.

Please kindly provide the details as requested. This is the first step in your efforts to achieve success.

I await your swift response.

Sincere Regards,
Mr. I an Slatter.

---- On Tue, 06 Jul 2021 13:25:14 +0200 Henry Gutierrez <[email protected]> wrote ----

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 06/07/2021 08:00 AM, wrote:
> Dear Mr.
> Greeting. Thank you so much for your kind and swift response to my mail. I really appreciate your kind understanding to assist me to achieve this great life opportunity. Before I go ahead and give you more details, I will like to introduce myself very well to you so that you will know who you are dealing with and for you to have trust in me. I work with the UBS Investment Bank here in London. I am working as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG Greater London Regional Office. I am married to Mrs Clara Slatter a British citizen and we have two sons and one daughter.
> The major reason I had to go into this transaction is that there is no moral justification for UBS Investment Bank to inherit this fund. All I needed from you is your most honest, sincere and understanding co-operation. I have worked out carefully the modality in which this transaction will be carried out. Besides, as the Co-Head Global Markets Sales at UBS AG greater London regional office, I have in my possession all relevant information and instruments which will back up this claim.
> I would want to reiterate that there is nothing about this transaction that will expose you to any breach of the law as it will be executed under the ambit of the law. UBS Investment Bank will give you all back up in your country that this fund is legal once the fund is transferred to your nominated bank account. With the full details of the information on how we are going to carry out this transaction which I will send across to you with the documents I will have in my possession, there is nothing that will bar the Bank from paying you the funds. So, your security here and in your country is wholly assured.
> As regards to the Bank's curiosity about your co-relationship with the deceased customer, Late Moises Saba Masri. just the provision of certified documents in relation to late customer, the Bank will be convinced that you are the kin to Late Moises Saba Masri. Moreover, I am here to provide you with any other information they might demand. I want you to trust me. I have worked in a legal department, you ought to understand me when I tell you that you are protected that I have all it takes to inherit this fund.
> Right now, all I need is your honest and sincere co-operation so that we can carry out this deal through. I am going to make arrangements to upload your data here in our Bank in case of verifications. I want you to assure me of keeping this transaction 100% CONFIDENTIAL AND SECRET, because of my position in the bank.
> Do not discuss or get a third party involved as that might jeopardize this opportunity for us to make our future. I will also join you immediately the funds get into your account for sharing according to the mode I proposed. I will also need your help in investing some part of my share in a profitable business venture in your country.
> Once again, I have to assure you that we will conclude this transaction in the shortest possible duration and this fund will successfully transfer to your nominated bank account once you start by contacting the bank today. Write me upon receipt of this message for proper discussions. Keep this a top-secret as this transaction demands.
> Sincere Regards,
> Mr. Ian Slatter.
> ---- On Sun, 04 Jul 2021 09:21:25 +0200 Hannah Gutierrez DDS <[email protected]> wrote ----
> Hello,
> Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?
> Hannah Gutierrez DDS
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 04/07/2021 07:21 AM, wrote:
> > Herr Ian Slatter,
> >
> > Co-Head Global Markets Sales,
> >
> > UBS-Investmentbank London.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ich erwarte, dass mein Brief Sie heute bei bester Gesundheit und
> >
> > bester Laune antrifft. Bitte verzeihen Sie mir, dass ich in Ihre
> >
> > Privatsphäre eingedrungen bin. Kann man Ihnen in einer
> >
> > finanziellen Geschäftsbeziehung vertrauen, die für uns beide von
> >
> > gegenseitigem Nutzen ist? Ich habe Ihren Namen und Kontakt von
> >
> > der International Business Information Ihres Landes erhalten, in
> >
> > der Hoffnung, dass Sie an dem interessiert sind, was ich Ihnen
> >
> > gleich mitteilen werde.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Ich bin Mr. Ian Slatter aus North West London, hier in England.
> >
> > Ich arbeite für die UBS Bank, London. Ich schreibe Ihnen über
> >
> > einen Geschäftsvorschlag, der für uns beide von immensem Nutzen
> >
> > sein wird. Als Co-Head Global Markets Sales - UBS AG Greater
> >
> > London Regional Office entdeckte ich eine aufgegebene Summe von
> >
> > 22,3 Millionen Britischen Pfund Sterling (zweiundzwanzig
> >
> > Millionen Dreihunderttausend Britische Pfund Sterling) auf einem
> >
> > Konto, das einem unserer ausländische verstorbene Kunden, ein
> >
> > Milliardär Geschäftsmogul Verstorbener Herr Moises Saba Masri,
> >
> > ein Jude aus Mexiko, der im Januar 2010 einem Hubschrauberabsturz
> >
> > zum Opfer fiel, bei dem er und seine Familienmitglieder starben.
> >
> > Saba war 47 Jahre alt. Im Hubschrauber befanden sich zum
> >
> > Zeitpunkt des Absturzes auch seine Frau, ihr Sohn Avraham
> >
> > (Albert) und seine Schwiegertochter. Auch der Pilot war tot.
> >
> >
> >
> > Die Wahl der Kontaktaufnahme ergibt sich aus der geografischen
> >
> > Beschaffenheit Ihres Wohnortes, insbesondere aufgrund der
> >
> > Sensibilität der Transaktion und der darin enthaltenen
> >
> > Vertraulichkeit. Nun wartet unsere Bank darauf, dass einer der
> >
> > Verwandten den Anspruch geltend macht, aber das hat niemand
> >
> > getan. Mir persönlich ist es seit 6 Monaten erfolglos, die
> >
> > Angehörigen ausfindig zu machen, ich bitte um Ihre Zustimmung,
> >
> > Sie dem Verstorbenen als nächsten
> >
> > Angehörigen/Vermögensberechtigten vorzustellen, damit Ihnen der
> >
> > Erlös dieses Kontos im Wert von 22,3 Millionen Pfund ausgezahlt
> >
> > werden kann.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dies wird in diesen Prozentsätzen ausgezahlt oder geteilt, 60 %
> >
> > an mich und 40 % an Sie. Ich habe alle erforderlichen rechtlichen
> >
> > Dokumente sichergestellt, die verwendet werden können, um diese
> >
> > Behauptung, die wir erheben, zu untermauern. Alles, was ich
> >
> > brauche, ist, Ihre Namen in die Dokumente einzutragen und sie
> >
> > hier vor Gericht zu legalisieren, um Sie als rechtmäßigen
> >
> > Begünstigten zu beweisen. Alles, was ich jetzt benötige, ist Ihre
> >
> > ehrliche Zusammenarbeit, Vertraulichkeit und Ihr Vertrauen, damit
> >
> > wir diese Transaktion durchziehen können. Ich garantiere Ihnen,
> >
> > dass dies im Rahmen einer legitimen Vereinbarung erfolgt, die Sie
> >
> > vor jeglichen Gesetzesverstößen schützt.
> >
> >
> >
> > Bitte stellen Sie mir Folgendes zur Verfügung, da wir 7 Tage Zeit
> >
> > haben, um es durchzuarbeiten. Das ist BITTE sehr DRINGEND.
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. Vollständiger Name:
> >
> > 2. Ihre direkte Handynummer:
> >
> > 3. Ihre Kontaktadresse:
> >
> > 4. Ihr Beruf:
> >
> > 5. Ihre Nationalität:
> >
> > 6. Ihr Geschlecht/Alter:
> >
> >
> >
> > Nach einer methodischen Suche beschloss ich, Sie zu kontaktieren,
> >
> > in der Hoffnung, dass Sie diesen Vorschlag interessant finden.
> >
> > Bitte bestätigen Sie diese Nachricht und geben Sie Ihr Interesse
> >
> > an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Bemühen Sie sich, mir
> >
> > Ihre Entscheidung mitzuteilen, anstatt mich warten zu lassen.
> >
> >
> >
> > Grüße,
> >
> > Herr Ian Slatter.
> >
> >
> >
> >


  • Subject: Re: Zoom meeting
  • On: May 12, 2022, 1:58 p.m.

Hi Haley,
Thanks for getting back to me. We're a US-based company, our headquarter is located in Encino California but the marketing firm is located in the Philippines.
Our goal is to help our clients reach out to their target prospects through a combination of phone calls, email marketing and Linkedin.  We introduce the company and capabilities and once there's an interest to learn more about the products and solutions, we arrange a meeting between the relevant contacts/ and our client for either a discovery call or a presentation.

Is this something MNesty would be interested in?
Kind Regards,
Emma Lee | Beyond Target Solutions

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 9:21 AM Haley Gutierrez <[email protected]> wrote:
Hey there,

Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?

Haley Gutierrez

CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 12/05/2022 13:21 PM, Emma Lee wrote:


> Hi


> I was wondering if you were interested in our lead generation services program.


> It's essentially a business-to-business appointment setting service that combines Telemarketing, LinkedIn, and Email Marketing.


> If this is something you'd be interested in, we can set up a Zoom meeting on May 16 at 3 p.m. ET; otherwise, please let me know what date and time works best for you.


> Here is the link to my calendar:


> Thank you and have a great day :)


> Kind Regards,

> Emma Lee | Beyond Target Solutions





  • Subject: Re: Zoom meeting
  • On: May 12, 2022, 5:59 p.m.

that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Haley, love to talk about this?
  • On: May 25, 2022, 8:35 p.m.

Hey Haley,
Usually, generating qualified leads can be time-consuming for your sales team. We have a team dedicated to setting up appointments and generating qualified leads to help you meet your sales targets without the hassle of prospecting.

To create focused and timely touchpoints, our system combines marketing automation tools with calls, emails, and Linkedin.

A discovery call/zoom would be the best way to begin the discussion to see if there's a fit . How's Friday at 3:30 pm EST ? Please feel free to suggest a more convenient time for you.

Here's my calendar link:
Thanks and enjoy the holiday weekend!
Best regards,
Lorie GuzmanSales and Marketing SpecialistExpandable MarketP: 4242834871If you do not wish to receive further emails, please reply Remove.


  • Subject: Re: Haley, love to talk about this?
  • On: May 25, 2022, 10:16 p.m.

Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Haley, Questions regarding lead generation? Make an appointment right a way.
  • On: Sept. 28, 2022, 8:50 p.m.

Hi Haley,I hope you are doing well.We've been delivering quality leads and appointments to different businesses in North America, Europe, APAC regions and LATAM for 18 years.We help get their products/services across their target market through multiple touch points and ABM approach.Would you want to increase the number of your prospective clients forMnesty and the chance to speak with them without the hassle of chasing them? Would you be available on Friday at 1pm eastern time? Otherwise, please let me know your preferred schedule. You can also use my calendar below.Thank you.Book here: MendezSales Development Manager


  • Subject: Re: Haley, Questions regarding lead generation? Make an appointment right a way.
  • On: Sept. 29, 2022, 7:45 a.m.

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Re: Haley, Questions regarding lead generation? Make an appointment right a way.
  • On: Sept. 29, 2022, 1:25 p.m.

Hi Henry,
Thanks for getting back to me.To give you an insight, Aquleads is owned by Callbox, a trusted partner of B2B firms for more than 18 years that specializes in lead generation applying a multi-channel ABM approach that involves outbound calling, email marketing, and LinkedIn to connect with your target prospects, qualify them based on your criteria and interest, and then schedule meetings for your team.

You can visit our website at

Here’s our slide presentation to get a clearer picture of what we do:

You can also check out this video outlining what is included in our lead generation program :

My Sr. Business Development Manager can meet on Monday or Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 6p.m. EST via zoom call. If that doesn’t work, tell me what does, and I’ll make it happen.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 3:46 PM Henry Gutierrez <[email protected]> wrote:

That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?

Henry Gutierrez

CEO, MNesty, LLC

On 28/09/2022 20:50 PM,  wrote:

> Hi Haley,I hope you are doing well.We've been delivering quality leads and appointments to different businesses in North America, Europe, APAC regions and LATAM for 18 years.We help get their products/services across their target market through multiple touch points and ABM approach.Would you want to increase the number of your prospective clients forMnesty and the chance to speak with them without the hassle of chasing them? Would you be available on Friday at 1pm eastern time? Otherwise, please let me know your preferred schedule. You can also use my calendar below.Thank you.Book here: MendezSales Development Manager



  • Subject: Re: Haley, Questions regarding lead generation? Make an appointment right a way.
  • On: Sept. 30, 2022, 12:57 a.m.

that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Haley, How about Tuesday ?
  • On: Nov. 18, 2022, 8:46 p.m.

Hi Haley,
I'm contacting you to find out if you intend to
consider alternative sources in order to help you attract more clients.
For our clients to meet their target prospects,
we specialize in producing qualified leads and sales appointments.
If you're interested in learning more, kindly let
me know the ideal day and time to talk with you about our lead generation
Let's book an appointment here:

Thank you and enjoy your day.

Arman Foster
Sales and Marketing Manager
Festflare Lead Management Solutions
Encino, CA   |


  • Subject: Re: Haley, How about Tuesday ?
  • On: Nov. 19, 2022, 4:29 a.m.

Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Haley, We had just been in touch with you
  • On: Dec. 2, 2022, 4:33 p.m.

Hi Haley,
We had just been in touch with you to discuss our lead generation and appointment setting services. If you have a chance to look into our services and might consider using them for your company, let me know.
We assist with businesses to set up sales-qualified meetings between you and potential clients whose interest in your services has already been established. We do this by utilizing our lead management expertise across a range of channels.

Next Wednesday at 1pm EST, are you available for a quick chat?
Book here:

Thanks and Regards,Florence GonzalesIkonnekBusiness Development Manager


  • Subject: Re: Haley, We had just been in touch with you
  • On: Dec. 3, 2022, 12:08 a.m.

Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC


  • Subject: Meeting- Wednesday at 1pm with Haley
  • On: Jan. 30, 2023, 3:22 p.m.

Hi  Haley,Are you looking at different sources for obtaining quality leads in order to gain more new clients?
Our system blends marketing automation tools with calls, emails, and Linkedin to create focused and timely touchpoints. Our team schedules meetings with decision makers from your target audience on your calendar so you can focus on serving your current clients. Every meeting is backed by a quality guarantee.

It will only take a brief conversation to have an overview of the details . Are you available on Wednesday at 1 PM your time for a quick discussion?
Calendar Link:
Best regards,Joshua GarciaSales and Marketing SpecialistAquleads


  • Subject: Re: Meeting- Wednesday at 1pm with Haley
  • On: Jan. 30, 2023, 4:38 p.m.

Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?

Henry Gutierrez
CEO, MNesty, LLC