Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Dustin Hart and starting a conversation.
This is that conversation.
Friday 03/4/2022
E-Mail Message
From: raveencard
Email: [email protected]
Поздравляем, у вас выигрышная комбинация билета ГосЛото совпала! Перейти к получению выигрыша:
I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Daniel hi again. It's my email!
Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hey Daniel it's your friend
That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Daniel, Hello There!
That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
your name is Bill?
can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Daniel! It's my email
That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hey Daniel! It's Angela
Great, thanks. Could we have a short call to discuss the specifics? What are your contact details? Also, what is your pricing model like?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Daniel, Can I send my pictures?
can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Wanna see my pics Daniel?
I am a bit busy now, but I am definitely interested. When can we talk?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Daniel it is Angela, Lets chat
that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Daniel! looking forward to our meeting
Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?
Dustin Hart
CEO, MNesty, LLC