Someone forwarded a spammer's email to Spamnesty, which replied to the email, pretending to be a person called Maria Delgado and starting a conversation.
This is that conversation.
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That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hej Matthew.
Hvordan har du det? Tak for din besked. Jeg har din e-mail-adresse fra et datingbureau.
Jeg så dig, og min feminine intuition fik mig straks til at skrive til dig. Jeg håber, du er en god mand, og jeg tager ikke fejl. Hvorfor valgte jeg dig?
Du syntes mig var en seriøs og enkel mand. Jeg leder efter et seriøst forhold. Mit navn er Ekaterina. Nu er jeg 34 år gammel. Jeg er 165 centimeter høj og vejer 50 kg. Jeg bor i byen Znamensk.
Min by har status som et lukket byområde, fordi der er en militær træningsplads ikke langt fra min by. Min fødselsdag er 1. september 1986. Da jeg var på universitetet, studerede jeg dansk.
Min dansk er ikke perfekt, men jeg tror, du forstår mig. Jeg har aldrig været gift. Jeg har ingen børn. Jeg bor alene i en et-værelses lejlighed. Jeg arbejder som sælger i en møbelbutik. Hvad er dit arbejde?
Som jeg er interesseret i et seriøst forhold. Jeg er ikke interesseret i eventyr. Jeg vil finde et forhold, der vil være baseret på gensidig forståelse, tillid, respekt og loyalitet.
Jeg er skuffet over mænd fra Rusland, fordi de ikke tænker på familien. De fleste mænd er kun interesseret i underholdning, sex og alkohol. Dette er ikke for mig.
Dette er sandsynligvis hvorfor jeg besluttede at prøve at finde relationer på Internettet. Jeg håber, du også kan dansk, og vi kan kommunikere med dig. Hvis du vil, kan du bruge Google Translate.
Hvilken slags forhold har du brug for? Hvad er vigtigt for dig i en kvinde? Jeg er en omgængelig kvinde. Jeg nyder at tilbringe tid sammen med mine venner og familie. Jeg sender dig mine seneste fotos.
Jeg vil gerne se dine fotos sammen med dit næste brev. Du kan stille mig spørgsmål. Jeg vil gerne svare dig. Jeg håber, at vi kan lære hinanden godt at kende og blive venner. Jeg vil vente på dit svar.
> Hello,
> can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
> Matthew Delgado
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 30/01/2021 07:04 AM, wrote:
>> Goddag!!!!
>> Hvordan er dit liv?? Jeg er interesseret i at chatte med dig!!! Jeg vil gerne starte et staerkt forhold til med en vaerdig partner!!!
>> Jeg baerer et smukt navn Ekateryna!!! Jeg er en attraktiv pige!!! Jeg elsker en sund livsstil og jeg elsker at gore sport!!!
>> Hvis du vil fortsaette denne korrespondance, vil jeg med glaede skrive til dig mere om mit liv!!! Jeg er ensom nu... Jeg er ikke gift, og jeg har ingen born...
>> Hvad kan du fortaelle mig om dine interesser?? Jeg vil gerne laere dig bedre!!! Jeg beder dig sende mig dine fotos!!! Og sa vil jeg sende dig mine fotos!!!
>> Jeg venter pa dit brev!!! Ekateryna.
>> Suscription par RSS
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>> contact
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>> Gabon-Liban : Des investisseurs libanais en prospection Libreville
>> poste par Dsir-Clitandre Dzonteu /
>> 1 mars, 2020
>> <-- end .postmetadata -->
>> Arrive dans la capitale gabonaise le 27 fvrier en soire, la dlgation dhommes daffaires libanais sactive pour engranger le maximum de bnfices au terme de leur prsence Libreville. Le 28 fvrier, ils ont chang avec le
>> ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, Biendi Maganga Moussavou, et des Eaux et Forts, Lee White, qui leur ont prsent les potentialits du pays dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Les investisseurs libanais, les partenaires techniques et financiers et les membres du gouvernement gabonais lissue de la sance de travail du 28 fvrier 2020, Libreville.
>> La dlgation dinvestisseurs libanais arrive Libreville le 27 fvrier, a entam, le 28 fvrier, sa prospection en vue de nouer des partenariats
>> fructueux avec le Gabon dans le cadre dune coopration bilatrale dynamique. Dans ce sens, les hommes daffaires libanais ont chang avec le ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, Biendi Maganga Moussavou et celui des Eaux
>> et Forts, Lee White.
>> Conduite par lambassadeur du Liban au Gabon, Aline Younes, ce groupe dune vingtaine dindustriels du secteur agricole libanais, spcialiss, entre autres, dans la pche, la production des jus de fruit concentrs, les produits forestiers
>> non ligneux et la mise en place des laboratoires de certification de la qualit des produits agricoles, entend faire de bonnes affaires avec le Gabon. Do lintrt du ministre de lAgriculture et son collgue des Eaux et Forts, Lee White. Ces derniers leur ont prsent
>> les potentialits agricoles du Gabon dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Selon Biendi Maganga Moussavou, 5 millions dhectares (ha) constituent des terres arables propices lagriculture et llevage. De mme, a-t-il ajout, des 800 km de ctes que dispose le Gabon, 213 000 m2 sont consacrs la pche, tout
>> comme le pays compte aussi prs de 10 000 m2 des rivires et des lacs. Les hommes daffaires libanais ont galement t difis sur la stratgie daffectation des terres du Gabon, oriente vers une gestion coresponsable pour la prservation de la biodiversit.
>> Il nous ont manifest leur souhait de nous accompagner dans la structuration de certaines chanes de valeur dans le secteur agricole. Ils ont manifest un intrt dans le dveloppement des produits forestiers non ligneux,
>> a dclar le ministre de lAgriculture. Pour lui, le Gabon est une terre dopportunits et lopportunit en plus dintgrer la Zone de libre-change continentale africaine (Zleca).
>> Le Gabon importe chaque anne de produits alimentaires hauteur de 300 milliards de francs CFA. Il veut limiter de moiti cette tendance lhorizon 2023 en boostant le secteur agricole. Les partenaires techniques et financiers du
>> Gabon, notamment la Banque mondiale (BM), la Banque africaine de dveloppement (Bad) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour lAlimentation (Fao), ont particip cette sance de travail avec les hommes daffaires libanais. Ils ont davantage manifest leur volont daccompagner
>> les potentiels investisseurs pour garantir la prise de risques.
>> Outre les rencontres avec les membres du gouvernement, les investisseurs libanais changeront avec certains responsables de listration, visiteront la Zone conomique spciale de Nkok avant de faire le bilan de leur sjour avec le
>> chef du gouvernement. Le tout devrait dboucher sur la signature de nombreux partenariats, voire contrats, dans les domaines de lagriculture, des infrastructures, du tourisme et de lindustrie.
Can you give me some more info about what you're offering? Specifically, how does it apply to our business? How can we use this?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hej, Matthew.
Hvordan har du det og dit liv? Jeg har stadig ikke modtaget dit brev.
Jeg h=C3=A5ber, at du modtager mine breve og vil svare mig snart. Jeg vente=
r p=C3=A5 dit svar. Jeg venter p=C3=A5, at du fort=C3=A6ller mig, hvor du e=
r taget hen. Ekaterina.
> Hello,
> can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it =
looks like.
> Matthew Delgado
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 30/01/2021 07:04 AM, wrote:
>> Goddag!!!!
>> Hvordan er dit liv?? Jeg er interesseret i at chatte med dig!!! Jeg vil =
gerne starte et staerkt forhold til med en vaerdig partner!!!
>> Jeg baerer et smukt navn Ekateryna!!! Jeg er en attraktiv pige!!! Jeg el=
sker en sund livsstil og jeg elsker at gore sport!!!
>> Hvis du vil fortsaette denne korrespondance, vil jeg med glaede skrive t=
il dig mere om mit liv!!! Jeg er ensom nu... Jeg er ikke gift, og jeg har i=
ngen born...
>> Hvad kan du fortaelle mig om dine interesser?? Jeg vil gerne laere dig b=
edre!!! Jeg beder dig sende mig dine fotos!!! Og sa vil jeg sende dig mine =
>> Jeg venter pa dit brev!!! Ekateryna.
>> Suscription par RSS
>> <-- #social -->
>> Page daccueil
>> inforoute241
>> Deontologie
>> Mentions lgales
>> contact
>> <-- #nav1 -->
>> =C2=A0
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>> =C2=A0
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>> =C2=A0
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>> <-- end #mainNav -->
>> Gabon-Liban : Des investisseurs libanais en prospection Libreville
>> poste par Dsir-Clitandre Dzonteu /=20
>> 1 mars, 2020
>> <-- end .postmetadata -->
>> Arrive dans la capitale gabonaise le 27 fvrier en soire, la dlgation dho=
mmes daffaires libanais sactive pour engranger le maximum de bnfices au ter=
me de leur prsence Libreville. Le 28 fvrier, ils ont chang avec le
>> ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, =
Biendi Maganga Moussavou, et des Eaux et Forts, Lee White, qui leur ont prs=
ent les potentialits du pays dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Les investisseurs libanais, les partenaires techniques et financiers et =
les membres du gouvernement gabonais lissue de la sance de travail du 28 fv=
rier 2020, Libreville.
>> =C2=A0
>> La dlgation dinvestisseurs libanais arrive Libreville le 27 fvrier, a en=
tam, le 28 fvrier, sa prospection en vue de nouer des partenariats
>> fructueux avec le Gabon dans le cadre dune coopration bilatrale dynamiqu=
e. Dans ce sens, les hommes daffaires libanais ont chang avec le ministre d=
e lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, Biendi Maganga=
Moussavou et celui des Eaux
>> et Forts, Lee White.
>> Conduite par lambassadeur du Liban au Gabon, Aline Younes, ce groupe dun=
e vingtaine dindustriels du secteur agricole libanais, spcialiss, entre aut=
res, dans la pche, la production des jus de fruit concentrs, les produits f=
>> non ligneux et la mise en place des laboratoires de certification de la=
qualit des produits agricoles, entend faire de bonnes affaires avec le Gab=
on. Do lintrt du ministre de lAgriculture et son collgue des Eaux et Forts,=
Lee White. Ces derniers leur ont prsent
>> les potentialits agricoles du Gabon dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Selon Biendi Maganga Moussavou, 5 millions dhectares (ha) constituent de=
s terres arables propices lagriculture et llevage. De mme, a-t-il ajout, de=
s 800 km de ctes que dispose le Gabon, 213 000 m2 sont consacrs la pche, to=
>> comme le pays compte aussi prs de 10 000 m2 des rivires et des lacs. Le=
s hommes daffaires libanais ont galement t difis sur la stratgie daffectati=
on des terres du Gabon, oriente vers une gestion coresponsable pour la prse=
rvation de la biodiversit.
>> Il nous ont manifest leur souhait de nous accompagner dans la structurat=
ion de certaines chanes de valeur dans le secteur agricole. Ils ont manifes=
t un intrt dans le dveloppement des produits forestiers non ligneux,
>> a dclar le ministre de lAgriculture. Pour lui, le Gabon est une terre d=
opportunits et lopportunit en plus dintgrer la Zone de libre-change contine=
ntale africaine (Zleca).
>> Le Gabon importe chaque anne de produits alimentaires hauteur de 300 mil=
liards de francs CFA. Il veut limiter de moiti cette tendance lhorizon 2023=
en boostant le secteur agricole. Les partenaires techniques et financiers =
>> Gabon, notamment la Banque mondiale (BM), la Banque africaine de dvelop=
pement (Bad) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour lAlimentation (Fao), ont pa=
rticip cette sance de travail avec les hommes daffaires libanais. Ils ont d=
avantage manifest leur volont daccompagner
>> les potentiels investisseurs pour garantir la prise de risques.
>> Outre les rencontres avec les membres du gouvernement, les investisseurs=
libanais changeront avec certains responsables de listration, visiteront l=
a Zone conomique spciale de Nkok avant de faire le bilan de leur sjour avec=
>> chef du gouvernement. Le tout devrait dboucher sur la signature de nomb=
reux partenariats, voire contrats, dans les domaines de lagriculture, des i=
nfrastructures, du tourisme et de lindustrie.
That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hej, Matthew.
Hvordan har du det og dit liv? Jeg har stadig ikke modtaget dit brev.
H=C3=A5ber du modtager mine breve og svarer mig snart. Jeg venter p=C3=A5 d=
it svar. Jeg venter p=C3=A5, at du forklarer mig, hvor du forsvandt.
Jeg vil forts=C3=A6tte vores kommunikation, og jeg h=C3=A5ber, at du vil be=
svare mit lille brev.
> Hello,
> can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it =
looks like.
> Matthew Delgado
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 30/01/2021 07:04 AM, wrote:
>> Goddag!!!!
>> Hvordan er dit liv?? Jeg er interesseret i at chatte med dig!!! Jeg vil =
gerne starte et staerkt forhold til med en vaerdig partner!!!
>> Jeg baerer et smukt navn Ekateryna!!! Jeg er en attraktiv pige!!! Jeg el=
sker en sund livsstil og jeg elsker at gore sport!!!
>> Hvis du vil fortsaette denne korrespondance, vil jeg med glaede skrive t=
il dig mere om mit liv!!! Jeg er ensom nu... Jeg er ikke gift, og jeg har i=
ngen born...
>> Hvad kan du fortaelle mig om dine interesser?? Jeg vil gerne laere dig b=
edre!!! Jeg beder dig sende mig dine fotos!!! Og sa vil jeg sende dig mine =
>> Jeg venter pa dit brev!!! Ekateryna.
>> Suscription par RSS
>> <-- #social -->
>> Page daccueil
>> inforoute241
>> Deontologie
>> Mentions lgales
>> contact
>> <-- #nav1 -->
>> =C2=A0
>> <-- end .wrap -->
>> <-- end #preheader -->
>> =C2=A0
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>> =C2=A0
>> <-- #nav -->
>> <-- end .wrap -->
>> <-- end #mainNav -->
>> Gabon-Liban : Des investisseurs libanais en prospection Libreville
>> poste par Dsir-Clitandre Dzonteu /=20
>> 1 mars, 2020
>> <-- end .postmetadata -->
>> Arrive dans la capitale gabonaise le 27 fvrier en soire, la dlgation dho=
mmes daffaires libanais sactive pour engranger le maximum de bnfices au ter=
me de leur prsence Libreville. Le 28 fvrier, ils ont chang avec le
>> ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, =
Biendi Maganga Moussavou, et des Eaux et Forts, Lee White, qui leur ont prs=
ent les potentialits du pays dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Les investisseurs libanais, les partenaires techniques et financiers et =
les membres du gouvernement gabonais lissue de la sance de travail du 28 fv=
rier 2020, Libreville.
>> =C2=A0
>> La dlgation dinvestisseurs libanais arrive Libreville le 27 fvrier, a en=
tam, le 28 fvrier, sa prospection en vue de nouer des partenariats
>> fructueux avec le Gabon dans le cadre dune coopration bilatrale dynamiqu=
e. Dans ce sens, les hommes daffaires libanais ont chang avec le ministre d=
e lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, Biendi Maganga=
Moussavou et celui des Eaux
>> et Forts, Lee White.
>> Conduite par lambassadeur du Liban au Gabon, Aline Younes, ce groupe dun=
e vingtaine dindustriels du secteur agricole libanais, spcialiss, entre aut=
res, dans la pche, la production des jus de fruit concentrs, les produits f=
>> non ligneux et la mise en place des laboratoires de certification de la=
qualit des produits agricoles, entend faire de bonnes affaires avec le Gab=
on. Do lintrt du ministre de lAgriculture et son collgue des Eaux et Forts,=
Lee White. Ces derniers leur ont prsent
>> les potentialits agricoles du Gabon dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Selon Biendi Maganga Moussavou, 5 millions dhectares (ha) constituent de=
s terres arables propices lagriculture et llevage. De mme, a-t-il ajout, de=
s 800 km de ctes que dispose le Gabon, 213 000 m2 sont consacrs la pche, to=
>> comme le pays compte aussi prs de 10 000 m2 des rivires et des lacs. Le=
s hommes daffaires libanais ont galement t difis sur la stratgie daffectati=
on des terres du Gabon, oriente vers une gestion coresponsable pour la prse=
rvation de la biodiversit.
>> Il nous ont manifest leur souhait de nous accompagner dans la structurat=
ion de certaines chanes de valeur dans le secteur agricole. Ils ont manifes=
t un intrt dans le dveloppement des produits forestiers non ligneux,
>> a dclar le ministre de lAgriculture. Pour lui, le Gabon est une terre d=
opportunits et lopportunit en plus dintgrer la Zone de libre-change contine=
ntale africaine (Zleca).
>> Le Gabon importe chaque anne de produits alimentaires hauteur de 300 mil=
liards de francs CFA. Il veut limiter de moiti cette tendance lhorizon 2023=
en boostant le secteur agricole. Les partenaires techniques et financiers =
>> Gabon, notamment la Banque mondiale (BM), la Banque africaine de dvelop=
pement (Bad) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour lAlimentation (Fao), ont pa=
rticip cette sance de travail avec les hommes daffaires libanais. Ils ont d=
avantage manifest leur volont daccompagner
>> les potentiels investisseurs pour garantir la prise de risques.
>> Outre les rencontres avec les membres du gouvernement, les investisseurs=
libanais changeront avec certains responsables de listration, visiteront l=
a Zone conomique spciale de Nkok avant de faire le bilan de leur sjour avec=
>> chef du gouvernement. Le tout devrait dboucher sur la signature de nomb=
reux partenariats, voire contrats, dans les domaines de lagriculture, des i=
nfrastructures, du tourisme et de lindustrie.
Hej Matthew.
Hvordan g=C3=B8r du det? Fik du mit brev? Jeg h=C3=A5ber, du har modtaget m=
it brev. Jeg skrev et brev til dig og fortalte om mig selv, men du svarede =
mig ikke.
Jeg h=C3=A5ber du skriver til mig s=C3=A5 snart du har tid. Jeg venter p=C3=
=A5 dit brev. Jeg h=C3=A5ber du forst=C3=A5r mig.
> Hello,
> can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it =
looks like.
> Matthew Delgado
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 30/01/2021 07:04 AM, wrote:
>> Goddag!!!!
>> Hvordan er dit liv?? Jeg er interesseret i at chatte med dig!!! Jeg vil =
gerne starte et staerkt forhold til med en vaerdig partner!!!
>> Jeg baerer et smukt navn Ekateryna!!! Jeg er en attraktiv pige!!! Jeg el=
sker en sund livsstil og jeg elsker at gore sport!!!
>> Hvis du vil fortsaette denne korrespondance, vil jeg med glaede skrive t=
il dig mere om mit liv!!! Jeg er ensom nu... Jeg er ikke gift, og jeg har i=
ngen born...
>> Hvad kan du fortaelle mig om dine interesser?? Jeg vil gerne laere dig b=
edre!!! Jeg beder dig sende mig dine fotos!!! Og sa vil jeg sende dig mine =
>> Jeg venter pa dit brev!!! Ekateryna.
>> Suscription par RSS
>> <-- #social -->
>> Page daccueil
>> inforoute241
>> Deontologie
>> Mentions lgales
>> contact
>> <-- #nav1 -->
>> =C2=A0
>> <-- end .wrap -->
>> <-- end #preheader -->
>> =C2=A0
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>> =C2=A0
>> <-- #nav -->
>> <-- end .wrap -->
>> <-- end #mainNav -->
>> Gabon-Liban : Des investisseurs libanais en prospection Libreville
>> poste par Dsir-Clitandre Dzonteu /=20
>> 1 mars, 2020
>> <-- end .postmetadata -->
>> Arrive dans la capitale gabonaise le 27 fvrier en soire, la dlgation dho=
mmes daffaires libanais sactive pour engranger le maximum de bnfices au ter=
me de leur prsence Libreville. Le 28 fvrier, ils ont chang avec le
>> ministre de lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, =
Biendi Maganga Moussavou, et des Eaux et Forts, Lee White, qui leur ont prs=
ent les potentialits du pays dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Les investisseurs libanais, les partenaires techniques et financiers et =
les membres du gouvernement gabonais lissue de la sance de travail du 28 fv=
rier 2020, Libreville.
>> =C2=A0
>> La dlgation dinvestisseurs libanais arrive Libreville le 27 fvrier, a en=
tam, le 28 fvrier, sa prospection en vue de nouer des partenariats
>> fructueux avec le Gabon dans le cadre dune coopration bilatrale dynamiqu=
e. Dans ce sens, les hommes daffaires libanais ont chang avec le ministre d=
e lAgriculture, de lElevage, de la Pche et de lAlimentation, Biendi Maganga=
Moussavou et celui des Eaux
>> et Forts, Lee White.
>> Conduite par lambassadeur du Liban au Gabon, Aline Younes, ce groupe dun=
e vingtaine dindustriels du secteur agricole libanais, spcialiss, entre aut=
res, dans la pche, la production des jus de fruit concentrs, les produits f=
>> non ligneux et la mise en place des laboratoires de certification de la=
qualit des produits agricoles, entend faire de bonnes affaires avec le Gab=
on. Do lintrt du ministre de lAgriculture et son collgue des Eaux et Forts,=
Lee White. Ces derniers leur ont prsent
>> les potentialits agricoles du Gabon dans ces deux secteurs.
>> Selon Biendi Maganga Moussavou, 5 millions dhectares (ha) constituent de=
s terres arables propices lagriculture et llevage. De mme, a-t-il ajout, de=
s 800 km de ctes que dispose le Gabon, 213 000 m2 sont consacrs la pche, to=
>> comme le pays compte aussi prs de 10 000 m2 des rivires et des lacs. Le=
s hommes daffaires libanais ont galement t difis sur la stratgie daffectati=
on des terres du Gabon, oriente vers une gestion coresponsable pour la prse=
rvation de la biodiversit.
>> Il nous ont manifest leur souhait de nous accompagner dans la structurat=
ion de certaines chanes de valeur dans le secteur agricole. Ils ont manifes=
t un intrt dans le dveloppement des produits forestiers non ligneux,
>> a dclar le ministre de lAgriculture. Pour lui, le Gabon est une terre d=
opportunits et lopportunit en plus dintgrer la Zone de libre-change contine=
ntale africaine (Zleca).
>> Le Gabon importe chaque anne de produits alimentaires hauteur de 300 mil=
liards de francs CFA. Il veut limiter de moiti cette tendance lhorizon 2023=
en boostant le secteur agricole. Les partenaires techniques et financiers =
>> Gabon, notamment la Banque mondiale (BM), la Banque africaine de dvelop=
pement (Bad) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour lAlimentation (Fao), ont pa=
rticip cette sance de travail avec les hommes daffaires libanais. Ils ont d=
avantage manifest leur volont daccompagner
>> les potentiels investisseurs pour garantir la prise de risques.
>> Outre les rencontres avec les membres du gouvernement, les investisseurs=
libanais changeront avec certains responsables de listration, visiteront l=
a Zone conomique spciale de Nkok avant de faire le bilan de leur sjour avec=
>> chef du gouvernement. Le tout devrait dboucher sur la signature de nomb=
reux partenariats, voire contrats, dans les domaines de lagriculture, des i=
nfrastructures, du tourisme et de lindustrie.
Good evening.
I am Tatyana. Are you interested in meet new people??? I am interested to communicate with you.
I'm sure we will have a nice dialogue. I like sports. I read novels and I cook well..
I prefer to lead a correct lifestyle!! I also love to ride a bicycle.. Tell me if you would like to meeting me ..
I suggest you start a nice dialogue and get to know each other ! I also propose to share photos with you!!
I believe that you will write to me as soon as possible.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Glad towrite you. call me Olesya. I will be gladto get to know you more. I want to tell that I here only to find serious person, Im not search here just spent time for games. Because I find out a lot of such people. Hope that you an exception. Forgot to inform Im 37.5 y.o.. write me something words about you.
And of course few recent photos
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Good morning!
Nice towrite you. call me Olesya. I will be happyto get to know you more. I want to say that I here only to find serious male, Im not search here sex. Because I know a lot of such people. hope you an exception. Forgot to write Im almost 37 y.o.. write me some info about you.
And of course some not old photo
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Glad tomeet you. I am Olesya. I will be gladto get to know you more. I want to tell that I here only to find serious male, Im not search here sex. Because I find out a lot of such male. hope you an exception. Forgot to inform Im 37.5 years old. write me few info about you.
And of course few new photo
That is very helpful, thank you. Do you perhaps have some literature I could look at, or could you send me some more information about what exactly makes you unique?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Matthew ! I'm glad you answered me. To be honest, I found your email address at the marriage agency. As I told you, I live in Kazakhstan, in a small town where there really isn't a lot of entertainment. I already had experience in communicating on the Internet, I already tried to get acquainted on the Internet once, but unfortunately this experience was bad. People just wanted to communicate on the Internet and nothing more. Someone sent me their photos in the nude, someone wanted my photos without clothes and a lot of other things. I once corresponded with a man for almost six months. And then it turned out that he had a wife. It offended me very much and I lost all hope that I would be able to find my man. Matthew, i want to tell you right away that many men are interested in talking about sex. I really hope that you are not like that, that you are not one of those people and maybe I have found the one I have been looking for for so long. I live in a small town, I want to find my love, I want to find my man, with whom I will be fine. I'm 34 years old and I'm tired of being a single girl! I won't give you much information about me yet. After all, we should get to know each other gradually and during our communication we will be able to understand whether we are suitable for each other or not. I still want to understand what you're looking for. What do you really want from communicating with me. And I want to tell you right away that I only need a serious relationship. I'm looking for a man for my whole life. I want to find the one man with whom we can live our whole life. If you don't need a family and don't need a strong relationship in the future, then it's better to tell me about it right away so that we don't waste time. It will save us both time. Don't you agree with me? Although I don't have a big city in Kazakhstan and maybe Kazakhstan is a little behind developed countries, but of course I live in the 21st century. I have social networks, I have a phone and I have messengers. But as I wrote to you earlier, I had a bad experience on the Internet and so far I am not ready to give you my phone number and my data, the data of my social networks. In the future, when we get to know each other better, when I am ready for this, then of course we will move to a new level of communication. If you are satisfied with this, and if you want and are ready for a serious relationship, then we will continue our communication with you. I will be waiting for your answer and your thoughts on this
> Hello,
> I talked to my colleagues about this but they seemed to have some apprehensions; namely, they're worried that the offer isn't fleshed out enough. Would you be able to go into more detail about exactly how this would be structured?
> Matthew Delgado
> CEO, MNesty, LLC
> On 03/05/2022 19:22 PM, Sweety wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> I’m dreaming about
>> earnest person and I felt as if that you are such a man!
>> My name
>> Diana. To me 34 year.
>> I am hopeful that I am not mistaken.
>> I live in Kazakhstan In what country you live?
>> I’m nice beautiful girl.
>> Waiting for an answer from you!
>> My personal contact: [email protected]
that sounds impressive! I am excited to hear more about your company. Can you help me with some references, completed projects, partners, etc.?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello. I wrote to you the other day, but I never got an answer. Maybe you didn't get my letter. So I decided to write to you again. Here is my letter that I sent you earlier.
Hello! I'm glad you answered me. To be honest, I found your email address at the marriage agency. As I told you, I live in Kazakhstan, in a small town where there really isn't a lot of entertainment. I already had experience in communicating on the Internet, I already tried to get acquainted on the Internet once, but unfortunately this experience was bad. People just wanted to communicate on the Internet and nothing more. Someone sent me their photos in the nude, someone wanted my photos without clothes and a lot of other things. I once corresponded with a man for almost six months. And then it turned out that he had a wife. It offended me very much and I lost all hope that I would be able to find my man. i want to tell you right away that many men are interested in talking about sex. I really hope that you are not like that, that you are not one of those people and maybe I have found the one I have been looking for for so long. I live in a small town, I want to find my love, I want to find my man, with whom I will be fine. I'm 34 years old and I'm tired of being a single girl! I won't give you much information about me yet. After all, we should get to know each other gradually and during our communication we will be able to understand whether we are suitable for each other or not. I still want to understand what you're looking for. What do you really want from communicating with me. And I want to tell you right away that I only need a serious relationship. I'm looking for a man for my whole life. I want to find the one man with whom we can live our whole life. If you don't need a family and don't need a strong relationship in the future, then it's better to tell me about it right away so that we don't waste time. It will save us both time. Don't you agree with me? Although I don't have a big city in Kazakhstan and maybe Kazakhstan is a little behind developed countries, but of course I live in the 21st century. I have social networks, I have a phone and I have messengers. But as I wrote to you earlier, I had a bad experience on the Internet and so far I am not ready to give you my phone number and my data, the data of my social networks. In the future, when we get to know each other better, when I am ready for this, then of course we will move to a new level of communication. If you are satisfied with this, and if you want and are ready for a serious relationship, then we will continue our communication with you. I will be waiting for your answer and your thoughts on this
I talked to my colleagues about this but they seemed to have some apprehensions; namely, they're worried that the offer isn't fleshed out enough. Would you be able to go into more detail about exactly how this would be structured?
Matthew Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
On 03/05/2022 19:22 PM, Sweety wrote:
Hi there!
I’m dreaming about
earnest person and I felt as if that you are such a man!
My name
Diana. To me 34 year.
I am hopeful that I am not mistaken.
I live in Kazakhstan In what country you live?
I’m nice beautiful girl.
Waiting for an answer from you!
My personal contact: [email protected]
Dear friend,
How are you doing today? I have not read from you after my previous email s=
ent to you, I am worried if you are not willing to partner with me anymore.=
Do kindly inform me if you still want to continue with me.=20
If still interested in working with me, I want you to email the following t=
o me; Full name, address and a mobile number and any of your identification=
(Driver's license or International passport)so that I can update my bank r=
ecords and my attorney can instigate on the backup documents that will plac=
e you as the benefactor of $37,200,000.00 inheritance fund. As soon as I ge=
t these from you, I will commence the paper work that will back up this tra=
nsaction, I hope you will understand why I need all these.=20
Upon receipt of the above requirements, I will attach my international pass=
port to you and also for your perusal and trust. Again, ensure that you kee=
p this project confidential, because of the nature of this transaction and =
my work.
Please reply soon.
Mr Mikio Noguchi
For RESONA BANK, LTD. Resona Bank,Ltd
Private Mobile: +81 50 5539 7592
ion in Japan, reply for more detail if Interested
> Mikio Noguchi
> =20
> =20
Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Dear friend,
How are you doing today? I have not read from you after my previous email s=
ent to you, I am worried if you are not willing to partner with me anymore.=
Do kindly inform me if you still want to continue with me.=20
If still interested in working with me, I want you to email the following t=
o me; Full name, address and a mobile number and any of your identification=
(Driver's license or International passport)so that I can update my bank r=
ecords and my attorney can instigate on the backup documents that will plac=
e you as the benefactor of $37,200,000.00 inheritance fund. As soon as I ge=
t these from you, I will commence the paper work that will back up this tra=
nsaction, I hope you will understand why I need all these.=20
Upon receipt of the above requirements, I will attach my international pass=
port to you and also for your perusal and trust. Again, ensure that you kee=
p this project confidential, because of the nature of this transaction and =
my work.
Please reply soon.
Mr Mikio Noguchi
For RESONA BANK, LTD. Resona Bank,Ltd
Private Mobile: +81 50 5539 7592
Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Good afternoon my new
I even met a
espoused male who planned on having attractive
lover. This is
crazy that
males concealing it
from their turtledoves are going to do this ..
You can call me
ALLA. My country is KAZAKHSTAN. I'm afore 35 years old, I appreciate that it is too
late, my years arepenetrating.
With this message I share with you my
picture. I hope you will be pleased with my picture))) Waiting your
My mail is 24/7 online:
Thank you for your email! However, I don't know if this will fit in our budget. Is there anything better you could do?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hi my new
I also once came across a espoused
male who had a goal to meet
mistress. This is
freak that
men in secret
from their spouses are planning to do this ..
Tanya. I live in Kazakhstan. I am afore 35y.o, I appreciate that it is too
much, my years arepassing.
I will also share with you my
photo. Hoping you will be pleased with my picture))) Waiting your
Yours faithfully,
My mail is 24/7 in touch:
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello. :-) I am looking for a serious relationship, I will be glad to know about you. Sending my photo and waiting for your reply.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello Maria Delgado.
How are you? Thanks for your reply. I send my photos, I hope you like it.
I am looking for a man for a serious and lasting relationship, I want to start a new life, have strong love, and enjoy life next to my loved one.
I live in Kazakhstan, I understand that there is a long distance between us, but the Internet connects millions of people, and the distance does not prevent us from communicating and finding new people.
I am a kind, reliable, fair woman, I want to have a reliable, devoted and strong man nearby who will be a reliable partner in life.
I will write more about myself in future letters.
Tell me where do you live? What is your job? And don't forget to send in your photos, ok?
I will be waiting for your reply.
My name is Natalia.
can you give me an example of this? I would like to know roughly what it looks like.
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hey there my great friend, What's new? I am writing you to chat up and maybe we will get to a cool result. I came across your mail box many days ago and I didn't send a letter to you, the reason is that it is not customary for a feminine to text first in my country. You can call me Mol-dir. This is a Kazakh female name. I am 36 y.o, however age gap does not make sense for me. It's just a number. I live in KAZAKHSTAN. It's a cool and sovereign country that does independent politic way. I have never been married therefore I don't have children and I want to find a man in another country. I don't smoke and don't drink alcohol. My desire is to have a real, earnest and long-term relationship. If you liked what I wrote, please write me back. I dare tell you in the very start that I am not interested in sex games, naked pictures and I don't support flop. I am an honest and open woman therefore I am not interested in it. One what can interest me is honest relationships. I am sending my image, I really hope u will enjoy it. Make sure to get me acquianted with info about your personality, your country and your place. My hope is that you found interesting my character thus I will get your letter back back in short.Interested? Please answer ONLY to my personal mailbox: [email protected] Yours faithfully MOLDIR.
That is reasonable, but do you think you can go into more detail about your main product? What is it about, exactly? Does it resemble
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
They gave me your mail and said that you are a very nice, kind
and sympathetic man!
And I also hope so and I will be very glad that you will
answer me and I will answer more about myself. everything you want to know about
I'm really looking forward to your letter.
They gave me your mail and said that you are a very nice, kind
and sympathetic man!
And I also hope so and I will be very glad that you will
answer me and I will answer more about myself. everything you want to know about
I'm really looking forward to your letter.
Sounds great, how can we proceed? We're interested in getting started pretty much immediately, as we could use this.
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
These days, I started to notice how precipitously my time is tick away...
Yes, I am still very long away from senility, but from another side, my current life does not suit me.
And the base reason for this is my loneliness, the miss of a loved one with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life.
Yes, I can be security that if I find such a man whom I love, and this feeling is mutual, then I will be trusty to him whole my life.
And this are not empty sound, these are mine principles!
Because of it I decided to take the first move and attempt to find a man in Web. So today you see my letter.
If you, the same as me, feel how sad it is to return to an empty flat, lie down in a cold bed, not have concern,
tenderness and just the best person in life with whom you can tell at any desire, express thoughts, feelings,
experiences, then I believe you will understand me and my reasons why I am writing you.
Perchance we could give each other a opportunity to learn each other better and understand if we may be a lovely couple or just become a good friends.
If you are intrigued and you are ready to try, then I will wait for your fast repsonce. Oh, I forgot, my name is Olya.
I am from Russia, i hope to get to know each other will not be a big problem.
I want to ask you, if you don�t like your solitariness, disillusionment and want to edit your life, just write me back to this letter.
I totally do not important what�s your age, skin color or life situation.
I know that sincerely beautiful hidden in the soul of a person, and sincerely gentleness is in his heart.
If my thoughts are close to you, I will expect for your reply soon.
I'm sorry if I spent your time and you weren't interested in my message. Have a good day.
That is very interesting! Could you elaborate? Do you have any details online I could look at?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello my new friend. What's up? Is it okay with the weather in your state? I am messaging you trying to find a dignified and fair male.I can say that, it is not the first effort to get acquainted with someone on the Internet. The try was shocking, as men were trying to get sex act, nudes, or even finances. I want to set up a earnest relationship, so I did not continue to write to any one of them. Even worse I met a married male who planned on having beautiful mistress. It's terrible that males concealing it from their beloved are planning to do this..(( You can call me LYUDMILA. My country is KAZAKHSTAN. I am already 37y.o, I understand that it is too much, the time ispenetrating. If I have some free time, I am fond of going to the sports club.That would be cool whether you message me and let me know a bit about your personality, your town and your commonwealth. I am looking for a male in different country as I want to leave the country I am living now. I will also share with you my picture. There is a hope in my heart that you will enjoy my photogragh))) If you are interested Please write ONLY to my regular mailbox: [email protected] Waiting your reply. Yours faithfully, Lyuda!
Hey there,
Could you tell me where you are located? Also, could you tell me more about your offer?
Maria Delgado
CEO, MNesty, LLC
Hello !
I hope you are in a good mood?
and my letter will please
I am a lonely girl and so I decided to write and find a loving, sweet,
kind man who will love me and take care of me!
my name is Narmina
I hope
you enjoy my messages and you will write to me and I will tell you more about
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Hello !
I hope you are in a good mood?
and my letter will please
I am a lonely girl and so I decided to write and find a loving, sweet,
kind man who will love me and take care of me!
my name is Narmina
I hope
you enjoy my messages and you will write to me and I will tell you more about
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!!